One // Piper

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A/N: This is set after Blood of Olympus so pretty much what happens here are all my predictions and how I want them to end up.

By the way, this contains a little smut so beware. ;)

Nights like these she felt like she has been living a life that was all out of déja vu. Like, a few weeks ago, she'd been pondering so much about Leo that she hadn't felt the necessity of sleeping.

But today, Leo had shown himself to them, letting them know that he didn't die at all. She couldn't be more glad that he was alive. He was like a brother to her. It was unbelievable, but she had always wished for it to happen.

And she felt really happy, although surprised, that he has brought Calypso with him. That boy really knows how to love.

When she peeked at her siblings at Cabin Nine, they were all sleeping. Well, as far as she knows.

Tap, tap, tap.

The moment she heard that from her window, she didn't even wonder who it was. Of course, she knew who he was. In the middle of the night, there was only one person who would bother checking on her.

She stood up immediately and went to the window where her boyfriend waited for her.

"You have to stop doing this, I'm telling you. We're gonna get caught or something," she said, but her boyfriend had that stupid grin on his face that it was hard for her to resist herself from kissing him.

"We didn't do anything that night!" he claimed and laughed afterwards. "I just had you that night. That was one of the sweetest moves I've ever pulled."

"Shh! Be quiet, you little..." She nervously glanced at her bunkmates, thankfully no one had stirred from their sleep.

"So...?" Jason smiled.

"So, what?"

"Come with me, Pipes," he said. She quickly obliged, checking her siblings once more, before jumping out of the window.

Jason took her to Cabin One. Hippie Zeus looked down at them once more and Piper almost forgot that it was just a statue. Well, a huge one.

"Boy, you are lonely," she joked as Jason closed the door.

It was true. Jason only had a sister, and much to his dismay, Thalia dedicated her life being a huntress for Artemis. So really, it doesn't surprise her that Jason would constantly show up at her window at midnight.

"Are you having nightmares again?" she asked to which he nodded.

"I really need to get you to sleep here nowadays. It gets pretty scary when you're alone," he said as he guided her up the stairs.

He'd gone to so many quests. He'd faced so many creatures. He'd been honored as one of the strongest demigods. He had experienced every worst possible thing everyone would ever encounter. He had faced pain, even death, a million times before. And now, he was afraid of sleeping alone.

Being the son of Zeus (or Jupiter, whatever he preferred), it was natural that there would be lightning every night. The ceiling looked like the night sky which Piper thought was awesome. A little terrifying, yes, but it was better than a lifesize dollhouse.

And then she recalled what Jason had just told her, "Wait, what? What do you mean you'd get me to sleep here?"

"Here," he said like it was obvious. He sat at the edge of his bed and pulled Piper on his lap. "With me. Just you and me."

Her stomach fluttered in the best way. She didn't even realize she was smiling ear-to-ear. "That sounds real nice, Sparky. But that's not possible."

"Why not?"

"Rules." She got up from his lap. "We've had enough trouble roaming around past curfew. How much more if they find out that I sneaked into your cabin and slept with you? That would cost some real scandal."

Jason started giggling like a schoolgirl and Piper really find that cute.

"You overthink things so much, Pipes. Relax," he told her. "The first thing I would do tomorrow is to convince Chiron to let us stay together."

"It's not like he'd agree."

"It's worth a shot."

"Okay, Jason. I really have to go back---"

Jason grabbed her wrist and pulled her for a kiss. It was taken by surprise and surely Piper would have resisted but the kiss, oh, it felt really nice.

"Don't go," he mumbled through the kiss. "I need you."

They kissed for a while and she had only noticed she was back on Jason's lap.

Well, certainly she didn't want to stop now. This was the closest they ever got at all. Leaving him alone was probably the least she would do. And, even if she left, someone might see her coming out of his cabin at midnight. That would also cost trouble.

After a few more kisses, and Jason's hand tracing along Piper's curves, he managed to break the kiss only to give a smug face on his girlfriend. "You were saying something about leaving?"

"You're such a dork, you know that?"

She lay in bed with Jason on top of her as they continued kissing. This time, he went for her jawline, then heading to her neck.

Don't stop, she thought. We are breaking the rules, but so what?

Jason carefully took her shirt off as he did the same. They stared at each other for a while. Piper was a little self-conscious. She had never showed enough skin to him, well at least not this way. Nevertheless, she let her hands brush at his hard chest, then touched that beautiful scar on his lip.

You are so precious.

"You're so beautiful, Pipes," Jason mumbled as he placed kisses on her shoulder to her neck. "I'm so lucky to have you."

Well, this sure is a fresh start.

Thunder grumbled, but that didn't stop them. It was a beautiful moment that none of them would ever exchange it for anything.

It was just them.

Just Jason and Piper.

"I love you," he said before kissing her back on the lips.

Tomorrow she would probably face the worst nightmares she'll ever have.

Her mom, Aphrodite, was probably watching them now.

Even Zeus. She wondered if that seemed disrespectful that they were about to make love inside his shrine.

Well, this was off-limits. They were teenagers. This was a gamble they're going for.

She's not supposed to be here. Everyone will know about this soon.

And she thought, so suddenly: you know what, screw that! I've never felt so entirely happy as I do right now. We love each other. That's what matters.

After Jason pulled out from the kiss, she knew what was bound to happen next. She wasn't scared. She was only nervous. She knew the only guy she'll give herself to was him.

She made a good decision, anyway. Jason loves her to death that nothing else mattered. She was the only girl he ever saw himself with.

She cupped his face and stared at him sincerely.

"Love you too, Jason."

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