Eight // Piper

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The last chapter was awfully short and I'm really sorry. This will be longer, I guess. Enjoy!

Also, I might need at least 10 votes for this chapter so I could post the next chapter. Sorry :(

She slowly walked her way to the amphitheater with the three other girls and felt like her every nerve was buzzing with excitement.

The venue looked undoubtedly perfect and she couldn't think of how much Annabeth had worked for all of it.

"You are amazing, Annabeth. It looks quite magical," she told her friend and she smiled proudly.

"Thank you."

The kids were beautifully dressed in their unique costumes. The superheroes were really the most popular ones while there were really interesting others. Mr. D was dressed as a grape and it was ridiculously funny while Chiron had turned himself into a rocker type with all the black and white Joker face paint.

Everyone was enjoying the loud music. People were gathered on the center; some were casually chatting up to each other, some were wildly dancing.

When they caught sight of the boys the girls immediately ran to them.

Percy was Batman and once he saw Annabeth, his eyes lit up with so much joy. "Christ, I have such a hot girlfriend!" Annabeth wrapped his arms around his neck as he did the same to her waist and they kissed, not caring of the people around them.

Frank, on the other hand, was fairly shy as he approached Hazel. He kissed her on the cheek and you could see well that she blushed. "You look really beautiful, Hazel."

Leo was running with a mustache, and jumping, as if imitating Mario and Piper couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey, Pipes!" He grinned and hugged her. "You're a very ravishing Juliet. Jason is really looking forward to see you tonight."

She curtsied playfully. "Why, thank you!"

Calypso cleared her throat jokingly.

"And of course, isn't it obvious? You are the best person I wanted to see tonight!" Leo really knew how to make Calypso smile. "Come on and let's jump out of mushrooms. See you later, Pipes!"

She waved at them until she was alone.

Where are you, Jason?

It seemed like it was the hundredth time she was asking mentally where he was. She was getting really upset at the fact that she had no company and that she looked really stupid for it.

She continued to walk through the partying crowd and looked around for her Romeo.

She bumped to Leo on her way and heard him muttering something about how the plan was ruined. Leo's mood seemed to have completely changed already.

"Leo, are you okay?"

"Huh! What? Wait, why?" Leo looked at her nervously.

"Anything wrong?"

He shook his head hysterically.

"Have you seen Jason?"

"Um, no," he replied, biting off his nails. "Hey, uh, he's probably just chatting with a few people, you know. But don't take it the wrong way!"


She really didn't get what Leo was saying and why he was acting weird.

It took her at least twenty minutes to give up trying to search for Jason so she just went to get some punch.

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