Sixteen // Jason

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"Well? Is it good?" Piper asked, batting her eyelashes. Jason felt so tempted to just hold her close again.

He gulped. "Yeah, the coffee is good."

"I told you!" She grinned as if winning lottery. "They really serve the best coffees here. Better than Starbucks! I go here all the time!"

He felt less awkward now that Piper has decided to 'save the day' and have coffee with him rather than just lock themselves in her loft watching explicit movies about friends who have sex...

"Do you usually go here alone?" he asked. The faint smell of coffee engulfed his nose.

"I used to go with my dad," she said before hesitating, "but more often with Cole."

If there was a so-called God of Silence, then he must be succeeding right now because none of them planned to speak.

Jason remembered how much damage he'd done to Cole. He was too angry that he couldn't measure how strong his hits were supposed to be. He just hit him like how he would to a mythological monster. He would have been dead if Percy and Leo hadn't come.

So it was kind of questionable that the damage would only be a "minor concussion" because if he really was a human, his face would have already been a bloody pulp.

But he didn't really want to think about it. Cole was the least of his concerns right now and the guy already received his lesson.

"I'm sorry --" they both said at the same time.

Piper laughed softly. "You first."

"I'm sorry I didn't come sooner. If I did, then he never would've touched you," Jason apologized.

Piper shook her head, "Please. It's me who should apologize. I'm sorry I'm so stubborn and I should have listened to you like I used to."

Like I used to... That felt like a love song in his ears.

"Well, I can't blame you if you think I'm being dominant," he admitted and that made both of them chuckle.

"I'm just a bit sad that I lost a friend. I didn't think he'd get that far," she said, referring to Cole.

Jason pursed his lips in disagreement. "He was never a friend to you in the first place, Pipes. A friend would never do that. Besides, I made sure he isn't going anywhere near you again."

"I guess," she sighed. "And thank you for saving me."

"Hey, you still have your real friends," he told her. He really loved reminding her of her life in Camp Half-blood, a place where she belongs. He wants to put it in her heart that her real friends can never be found outside Camp.

Piper smiled. "I know I'll always have you guys."

"Yup. All the time," he said with a wink. "Anyway, how much do you remember last night?"

Piper's face contorted as if Jason insulted her ancestors. Of course, she didn't want to remember last night. But he really found it amusing that Piper was so embarrassed about it.

"Come on, I just want to know," he insisted with a playful grin.

"I remember Cole forcing me, then you came and everything went black. There was a missing memory after that, then I woke up to you dressing me up. I mean, I remember almost everything but like I have no control," she finally spilled. "Whatever I said, I know it's just..."

Jason felt disappointed. When she said she still loves him and everything, was she honest?

It was confusing for him, because drunken people often pour out raw honesty.

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