Six // Piper

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this and the previous two chapters are unedited -- my apologies.


She'd laid in bed for more than two hours but she couldn't get herself to sleep. Obviously, she really wouldn't be able to. It was only 8:30 in the evening and her siblings were due to comeback at the cabin before curfew (which was ten o'clock). Partly that, and...well, her thoughts were messing with her emotions.

Her face was sunk down on the pillow as she thought of the events earlier. She covered herself with the duvet so no one would see her dramatic moment because frankly, it was embarrassing. She never acted like this before anyway. Not like Reyna had always been an issue between her and her boyfriend, but...

Well, she had reasons to be like that. She remembered how Jason smiled when Reyna smiled too. That image gave a pang of jealousy on her chest. Does Jason look at her that way?

What if he still likes her?

She cringed at the thought. Reyna wouldn't possibly steal Jason from her, would she? I mean, they have settled their places before.

But he was hers before you came in the picture.

Damn, that hit a very sensitive spot on her heart.

Just the thought of Jason leaving her for Reyna made her feel like absolute...what's the word for it, shit?

She wanted to cry but being curled up in bed already seemed to much.

Please make me feel better, mom. She called out to her mother silently.


Wha...that was quick!

She was too surprised to move so she didn't. Besides, he wouldn't even see her reaction while she's under the duvet.

"Pipes, are you okay?" Jason's footsteps sounded louder and louder until he stopped once, and sat on one side of the bed. "Hey, is everything alright?"

"Yeah," she muttered, not even sure if he had heard.

But he did. "Look at me," he insisted and Piper did so. She slowly turned to him, seeing his face for the first time in forever (or so it seemed).

"I'm okay," she reassured. But she wasn't, and what's even worse was the fact that she had to lie about it. She didn't want him to think that she was being immature in handling her emotions. Unlike Reyna, who had kept herself when Piper was first introduced as somewhat a replacement girlfriend. Reyna had always been silently considerate.

Why can't I be like that?

"You're so quiet, it's so strange," Jason tried to set the mood lightly by chuckling. He touched her cheek and began stroking her hair.

"Really, I'm fine. You can go now."

"But I just came here."

Piper just wasn't in the mood. She shifted back into her position, facing away Jason.

He laid beside her, elbow propped, while his other hand caressed her silky brown hair.

I can't be fooled, she thought. This definitely felt like her mom, Aphrodite's doing. Heck, Jason wouldn't even probably do this.

"I'm really sorry about the teasing earlier. The boys can get really aggravating sometimes." Jason pressed a light kiss on her neck as he moved his hand to her waist, pulling her closer to him.


"Please talk to me," he begged as he was only greeted by her silence. His fingers brushed up her shoulder which caused serious shivers on her spine. Then he moved his hand back down to her hips, and all the while, he was placing soft kisses at her neck, and her shoulder, and...

That just feels so good...

And unknowingly, the image of Reyna appeared in her head.

"Stop," she said firmly. "You can't even go here, much less do things like that in this cabin."


"Good night, Jason," she said and decided to turn on the charmspeak. "Go to sleep."

She heard his deep sigh before pressing a loving kiss on her forehead.

And when he was gone, she only felt a hundred times worse.

That was so wrong. Aphrodite must have sent him to do that, so she would feel better. But she wanted it to be in his own will, not because his mind was corrupted by the goddess of love.


The morning she woke up, it was the day of the Halloween and jeez, she realized she doesn't have any costumes at all.

She wouldn't have cared, but the way her siblings eagerly talked about it made her rush in panic.

"I haven't got mine," she admitted bitterly.

Lacy smiled at her. "It seems you have been too occupied last night to prepare."

Does she know about what Jason did?

"You were sleeping all night," Lacy added to clear her thoughts. Piper almost sighed of relief.

Drew was bragging about her expensive costume that only looked like lingerie. Do people really dress like total sluts in Halloween? Piper can't even think of wearing them.

"Piper." Lacy approached her again with a big white box. "Someone sent this for you."

"Who?" she asked curiously.

"It doesn't say here." Lacy looked at the attached note. "But he goes by the name Romeo."


"Here," Lacy gave her the rectangular box.

Piper quickly took it while each of her siblings anticipated for it, pressuring her to reveal what was in the box.

She detached the note first and read it silently:

My dearest Juliet,

I hope you like this dress. I picked it myself because I know I would fall for you a hundred times more if I saw you in this elegant dress.
I'm looking forward to see you tonight, my love. I hope you're doing okay.

Yours forever,

Piper wanted to cry, but she had to suppress it. The handwriting was distinctly Jason's and she couldn't believe his effort of being romantic.

She opened the box and her siblings gasped in awe.

"That's beautiful!" one of them cried.

It is beautiful.

As simple as it was, it fits her exactly. It was a white dress that you could normally see from the Victorian era. But this dress looked absolutely elegant on her that even Drew had her jaw dropped.

"How I wish I could live your fairytale!" one of her siblings said dramatically. She couldn't help but giggle. Her smile was already ear-to-ear -- Cheshire's cat and all.

Suddenly, she felt as if all her resentment and jealousy towards Jason have faded, but instead, was replaced with love and gratefulness.


Hello, I updated lol

This chapter is dedicated to GoldGrace bc she is lovely <33

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