You better be sorry!

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I have worked with Tony for a few years now helping him build his new ideas and inventions, and it has been great! I became great friends with Pepper and even Morgan. So when Tony asked me to help him work with him in the avengers compound of course I said yes.

I have already met a few people who work there, like Natasha and Wanda who i have really clicked with, and are now my best friends, I have also seen Steve every now and then and also Peter who practically lives with Tony.

I arrive at the compound pulling up my car next to another. I get out and lock the car behind me, before walking to the front of the building. I buzz the doorbell and wait for Tony or someone else to open the door. After two minutes of waiting, I call him.

"Wussup Y/n!" I hear on the other end of the phone. "Hey Tony, I've been waiting outside for two minutes, where are you?" I explain. "Oh, I forgot to tell you we are all on a mission" he laughs. "Seriously. You could of told me, but then of course you can never remember what you have for breakfast in the morning, so how are you supposed to remember to tell me" I say sarcastically. "Haha, sorry. I will message Happy to let you in"
"Okay. Thanks!"

Wow, he didn't even tell me he was going on a mission. I wonder if he even tells Pepper if he's going... probably not.

I turn my head as the door opens and see Happy standing there. He lets me in and I have a little conversation with him before entering on the lift. I pull out my phone again to check over the message Tony sent me.


ColaCan: Hi Y/n! Just wanted to let you know that you are starting work at the compound tomorrow and that your room is on floor 7, door 21.

LabLady: Okay, thanks Tony

Floor 7, alright. I press number 7 on the lift and wait for it to get to that floor. I pull out my phone again and begin scrolling through messages. Wanda and Natasha were just talking about what food they would get after the mission... Well if the word talking means arguing.

The lift opens and I exit through the door still looking at my phone. Suddenly I bump into someone's shoulder. "Watch where you're going!" he said. "Sorry, I didn't see you there" I apologised. I really need to stop looking at my phone while walking. "You better be sorry." he snapped back. "What's your problem?!" I said. I didn't think this would happen on my first day. "You're annoying me" he huffed. "you sound just like a child, jeez" this guy must of woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

"Say that again, I dare you" he moved closer. Alright, two can play this game "You. Sound. Just. Like. A. Child" I said. Usually I would just walk away but why not argue with someone. "Jeez." I added just to be cocky.

He made an annoyed face and sighed. "You are in my way" he said and pushed me, walking away.

Seems like I already hate someone on my first day, I don't even know his name either. I wonder where his room is, I swear if it is on this floor I'm going to be so mad.

I finally make it to my room and open the door. It looks amazing! a bed, bed-side tables, a wardrobe with clothes in, a mini bathroom and a big window with curtains.

Feeling tired I fall onto the bed and let out a big sigh. Fuck! I forgot to bring my bag up, nice going Y/n. And I make fun of Tony for forgetting things.

Welp, got to go down again. But this bed is so comfy... no Y/n you have to go!

I get up off the bed and plug my phone into the charger by the side of the bed before leaving. I guess I didn't need to pack my charger after all.

I walk into the lift and press the button that says 1 to go to the bottom floor, and then wait. They should really have music in here.

I stop my thoughts when the lift door opens. I then step out and leave the building, making my way to my car. I take the keys out of my pocket and unlock the car, taking out my bag.

Tony said I didn't need to pack much stuff so I just brought one of my shopping bags and chucked stuff in. Plus I could use it to get my shopping. Smart thinking.

I go to open the door of the compound and... oh my gosh. The door is locked. Did not think about that.

why do I have to be like this. I look through the glass door and see that guy I saw earlier. "Hey! can you please open the door, its locked and its freezing out here!" I shouted.

I know he heard me because his head turned this way but he just stood there smiling. And just when I thought I couldn't hate him anymore he walked away. I fucking hate him so much.

I didn't want to ring Tony again because that would be embarrassing and I know for a fact he will make fun of me, so I didn't.

After waiting for five minutes, I see two women talking and walking towards the building and I realise who they are. I sprint towards them.

"omg Y/n! I forgot you were starting today." Wanda said. "Hi Y/n/n" Natasha greeted."Hi guys," I said out of breath "I kinda locked myself out of the compound" They both laughed.

"So I'm guessing you didn't get your key card to let you in" Nat guessed. "yeah, no, I didn't get that." I said. "okay we will let you in and make sure to get you a key card so you don't lock yourself out again" Wanda laughed. "Thanks you guys, I was sat out here for five minutes."

all three of us were walking to the door when I remembered a question I was gonna ask them. "Hey, do you know who that guy was in the compound?" I asked. "Oh that's Bucky, he's Steve's friend" Nat answered. "well, he's a dickhead" I said. Natasha stifled laughed. "Why?" Wanda asked laughing. "Okay, so, I just got off of the lift and I was on my phone, and I accidently bumped into him so I apologised and he said, and I shit you not 'You better be sorry!'"

Nat and Wanda stopped walking, shared a look and then burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked smiling from the sound of their laughter. "I don't know" they both said in unison still laughing their asses off. I laughed from their response. "come on, stop laughing and let me in the building, this bag is heavy" I wined.

After finally making it in the compound and having another little talk with the girls, I make it to my room.

Apparently our rooms are all in a row. Me in the middle, Nat on the left and Wanda on the right. When we realised, we were jumping up and down and decided we should have lots of sleepovers.

I spent an hour on my phone and realised it was pretty late. I only noticed because I started to get hungry. "Hello miss" I jump at the sudden voice. It sounded like it came from the walls. "Mr Stark wants you to go down to the second floor" the voice said "thank you?" i said hesitantly "No problem miss Y/l/n" she replied.

How the hell did she know my last name. I then realised Tony told me about his new AI F.R.I.D.A.Y. That was probably her.

The door opens to the second floor and I see a group of people talking and eating. "Hey, you got my message. I got pizza for food so I wanted to give you yours." Tony said "Oh thanks Tony" I grab the plate Peter was handing me and smiled at him as a thanks and then sat down next to Wanda.

"Who is this lady?" a guy with blonde hair asked. "this is Y/n. she is my co-worker and friend." Tony answered. I smile at the name friend. "Well hello Y/n, my name is Thor" he said "Nice to meet you Thor" I answered

After some time I met some more people and made friends. I noticed Bucky wasn't in the room which was a relief. I'm guessing he was in his room or with Steve somewhere because he wasn't there either.

I said goodbye to everyone and made my way to my room. I was about to open my door when the one opposite mine opened. "Wow its you again" he said sarcastically. "You have got to be kidding me." I said turning around.

You guessed it, it was Bucky. "nope" he said smirking. I was really tired and just wanted to go to bed so I just sighed and slammed the door in his face.

I took my PJs from my bag and took them into the bathroom. I had a quick shower, since I didn't have one this morning, put on my clothes and got into my bed.

First day of work, no work.
Best. Job. Ever.

...apart from the bits with Bucky in.

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