My only job is to annoy you

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It's been a week since I told Nat and Wan that I have feelings for Bucky. Him and I seem to fight more than usual and that day at the gym has seemed to completely leave his mind, like it never happened. He is probably forgetting it to wind me up, and if he is, he is succeeding. I don't think I will have the courage to tell him anytime soon but I know for a fact the girls will keep teasing me now. The day that I told them I kinda hoped that they would forget it from all the alcohol they drank but no.

I awoke to the sun shining in my eyes like it always did and I shuffled deeper into my covers not wanting to wake up. The other day Tony told me that him and all the others were going on a mission to a HYDRA base for the whole day and I would be at the compound all alone, except I wasn't going to be. Tony forgot to mention that Bucky was going to be there.

I was only reminded when Steve told me. Apparently he doesn't go on missions anymore because it remind him too much of when he was the Winter Soldier. I felt kind of bad for him that he still hasn't forgotten all the memories of him killing innocent people but if that was me I probably wouldn't forget either.

I rose from my bed and took a shower making myself smell like oranges. While getting dressed I convinced myself that I wasn't going to bump into Bucky. Even if we did live right across from each other the compound was still a big building.

Walking into the hallway I felt a big waft of hot air hit my body. I then realised that the hallways didn't have air conditioning so that must mean that it is pretty hot outside. I make my way into the lift and press second button. Humming along to the music I looked at my phone checking for any new messages. I managed to convince Tony to put music in the lifts after a lot of persuasion. Apparently Sam had asked for him to put some music in before but he didn't listen. I guess Tony has a bit of a soft spot for me. 

I got into the kitchen and decided to actually cook some breakfast. Normally I would quickly take a cereal bar and go to the lab but now I have no one to tell me that the food in the fridge is theirs. hehe. While I was cooking some bacon I heard a voice from behind me. "Mornin' doll."

"Hi." I lazily replied putting that he bacon on the plate I put on the side. "What are you cooking?" he asked crossing his arms and leaning on the counter. "Correction, have cooked because I'm done and if you want to know, look at my plate." I gestured to the plate on the side taking the orange juice out of the fridge. He chuckled. "You know that is Steve's juice." he told me referring to the juice I had in my hand. "Well I don't see Steve anywhere so he will never know, unless he measures how much he has everyday or something weird like that." I say taking a bite of bacon from my plate before sitting down in front on Bucky.

I didn't intentionally sit there, it was just that the chair I sat down in was the closest to me and the bottom of my plate was slightly burning my hand. "What if I told him" Bucky said with a smirk on his face staring right at me. My eyes stayed on my plate as I ate. "He probably wouldn't do anything because he loves me more than you" I retorted glancing up catching him rolling his eyes.

Bucky then reached over and took a piece of bacon from my plate and took a bite. "Don't you have anything to do?" I said annoyed. I didn't like people taking my food. "Nope. I'm free all day. My only job is to annoy you" He smugly smiled.

I hate you tooTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang