The breakfast

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Bucky's POV

I woke up with my arms wrapped around someone, that's when I remembered what happened last night. I carefully removed my hands from her, trying not to wake her up and lifted myself up from the bed. I wasn't sure what to do now.

I stared at her for a while admiring how pretty she looked with my jumper on. I put it on her after she fell asleep.

That's when I got a brilliant idea. I left my room and headed to the kitchen. I cracked a few eggs opened a pack of bacon and sausages and opened a tin of beans, and before I knew it there was a plate full of delicious food.

I walked back up to my room but when I opened the door she wasn't there. Y/n wasn't there. I probably should have left a note. Fuck I'm stupid. I walked across to her room but she wasn't there either.

I decided to leave the food in the kitchen with a note that said 'For my doll Y/n <3'. I put my hand in my pocket and realised I left my phone in my room so I quickly rushed up there, grabbed my phone and went back down to the kitchen.

When I turned the corner I saw Sam at the table eating the breakfast I made for Y/n. "Sam what the fuck are you doing!" I shouted annoyed at him.

"Eating" He responded simply.

"You idiot. That's the breakfast I made for Y/n!"

"Well there wasn't a note or anything and you know how I get with food..."

"There was a note right next to it!"

Sam looked next to the plate "Oh yeah, so there is. My bad,"

I ran my hands through my hair frustrated.

"Oh that's sweet, 'For my doll Y/n'...  What is that weird B thing?"

I sighed and walked out the room.

"Oh I get it its a love heart!"

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