The Prank

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I jump out of bed exited about the idea I have. I look around my room, realising it's dark outside. Perfect. I doubt anyone will be up at... I check the clock standing on my bedside table, 4:00 in the morning.

I slowly rise from my bed, carefully moving the covers in order to not make much noise. I stand up and straighten my clothes. Okay, all I've got to do is get some syrup and I'm pretty sure there is some in Wanda's room from when her and Natasha had a sleep over.

She told this story where they were having pancakes and she spilled syrup on the carpet and it was all sticky. They thought it was hilarious while I didn't get why they were laughing so much.

I cautiously pulled down on the handle, heading one door to the right. I tip-toed inside seeing nobody in the bed. Wanda must of had a good date night.

Walking over to the side of her bed, I opened the drawers underneath. Nat told me there were drawers under the beds and I had no idea, she also told me that's where Wan hides all of her snacks. Good thinking!

I grab the bottle of syrup and head towards Bucky's room. Now this is the bit I've been dreading. I could be too loud and he wakes up, I could knock something over and he wakes up, I could just walk in there and he was up already... Basically any bit where Bucky wakes up, because then I get caught by him, and who knows what happens after that.

I open the door to his room in slow motion and make my way in. I look over at the bed and...

he is not there.

Wow, that's a relief! I can at least do this with a little bit of noise. I see Bucky's shoes sitting in the corner of the room and tip-toe my way to them.

Then, I open the syrup and pour little bits into his shoes. Now I know this is kind of a bad prank, but it was the only thing I could think of. Besides, if someone did this to me I would be furious and throw a lot of fists.

What's the time? I check my watch... 4:07. I've taken 7 minutes to do this, jeez.

I was nearly finished when the words finally sunk into me. He is not there. He is not in his bed. Where is he? Oh no, he could come in at any moment.

And as soon as I said that in my head, I heard footsteps make their way to the room. Oh shit! Oh shit! What do I do?

Not thinking I run into the bathroom leaving the door open by a little crack. I see Bucky walk in... with no shirt on.

WOW! Oh my, holy mother of...

What! Y/n stop it, you hate him and he is certainly going to hate you when he finds out what I have done. But I have to admit, WOW!

I watch him put a glass on his bedside table, get into bed and turn over onto his side.

I have just realised how long I will have to wait until I know for certain he is asleep. I'm gonna be here for a while so I better think of something to entertain myself. I wonder if Bucky has ever thought of me.

He has probably thought about how annoying I am and how much of a bitch I am because he has said it himself. But has he thought about how cute I am... or hot I am. I know I have for a couple of minutes and I don't know if I regret it or not.

I sit there thinking for 30 minutes until I think it is safe for me to leave the bathroom. I push the door open slightly and crouch to make sure he doesn't see me. I crawl over to the door and go out into the corridor. Then, I went into my room and let out the biggest breath.

Shit! I left the syrup in his bathroom. What if he finds it. Meh, I'm to tired to think. I will go to bed now and regret putting syrup in Bucky's shoes in the morning.

Well, technically it is already the morning... Ah! Y/n just go to sleep I'm to tired.

Before I go to sleep, I have recently found out that even if I do find Bucky super annoying, he still looks hot with no shirt on.

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