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Bucky's POV

I walk into the building gun in hand. I take out a picture that was in my pocket and look around for the woman. I find her at the counter of the bank looking terrified, keeping her kids close to her. I shoot up in the air to get people to run away, unfortunately, she runs away too. I sprint after her looking at the dumb people laying on the floor.

I'm still sprinting after her and I find her at a dead-end. "Please, don't kill me. I have a husband and-"

BANG! her body falls limp onto the floor. I look over at the kids who are crying and shoot them both in the head.

It's not real, it's not REAL, IT'S NOT REAL! I lift up from my bed sweating like crazy and panting heavily. I take off my shirt and throw it in the washing pile. Alright, I just have to calm down. I'll go and get a glass of water. What's the time? 3:55 okay.

I walk all the way to the kitchen and grab a glass from the cupboard. Water fills the cup slowly and I watch all of the bubbles rise to the top. I gulp it all down and then fill it up again and sit down at a table.

I look out the window and slowly drink the liquid. I look at all the swaying trees and all the twinkling stars. I then finish my water and fill it up again.

I walk back to my room, put the glass on the bedside table and get in bed facing the wall. I feel like somebody's watching me but I'm too tired to do anything.

I wake up nice and refreshed. Drinking the water I have, I get my clothes have a shower and decide to put a little gel in my hair. I put on my shoes...

"What the fuck!"


"What the fuck!"

I woke up to someone screaming. Uh oh, I think he has found his shoes. Maybe he will be nice about it and never argue again. Nope, that will never happen. Well, I'm screwed.

My door bursts open after a while and I quickly pretend to be asleep. I hear Bucky walk up to my bed angrily. He pulls the covers away from me.

"Y/n, I know you're awake!" he shouts. I rub my eyes and stretch my arms before opening my eyes to pretend I just woke up. "Oh hey Bucky, good morning" I smirk.

"Stop pretending, I know you did that to my shoes!" he sighed furiously. "Well maybe you should not have thrown all of my stuff on the floor!" I spat back. I literally told him yesterday 'This will be war' so he had time to prepare.

suddenly there was a knock on my half open door. Nat was there smiling. "Hey Bucky." He waved back rolling his eyes. "Hey Babe!" Natasha waved at me. I smiled knowing what she was doing. Bucky's eyes went wide.

"Wait, so you two are..." He said shocked. "Yep!" Nat said with a smug smile on her face. "You wish Nat! No, we are not together. She's just messing with you." I told him. "Wow, you had to spoil the fun." she rolled her eyes laughing.

"Anyway, what was all the shouting?" Nat asked with her brows furrowed. I looked over at Bucky thinking he was going to say something but just saw him there still processing the conversation I had with Nat.

"Well, He threw all of my stuff around my room as you can see, that reminds me I still have to clean up. Anyhow, I put syrup in his shoes" I smiled thinking of me pouring it into his shoes.

"Ah! So you admit you did it." he pointed his finger in my face. I just rolled my eyes and looked at Nat for a reply. "Wow you both really are oblivious." She said and walked away. "What's that supposed to mean?" me and Bucky said in unison. We both looked at each other and rolled our eyes.

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