Why does she have to go?

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Bucky's POV

"Right, now you have to confess your love for me" Sam said pushing the wig out of his face. I rolled my eyes but started conversation.

"Hey... Y/n?"

"Hey gorgeous."

"Why did you say that you weirdo she would never say that?"

"Don't call me a weirdo!"

"Why not? You are one."


"Um guys I think your going a little bit off track" Steve interrupted.

Sam sighed "Fine, lets restart."

"Yeah lets start over and don't call me that again" I agreed.

Steve and Sam continued to help me with what I could say in a conversation with her and it helped a bit I think. Sam then had to leave because he got a text from his sister. He mumbled something about a boat before leaving.

Steve had started acting very suspicious since Sam left and suddenly took a deep breath in and begun to talk.

"Hey buck"


"I know this isn't probably the best time to tell you and I should have told you sooner but..."

"'but' what?"

"Y/n is leaving"


"Not as in leaving the team, but leaving on a mission."

"A MISSION! she's not even an Avenger why is she going on a mission!?"

"She is going to Romania undercover as a woman called Phoebe Smith and is going to keep an eye on that H.Y.D.R.A base we found out about a few days ago.

"Why though! Why can't one of us go or that agent that Fury sent down. Why of all the people does she have to go! Why does she have to go Steve?" My voice cracked on my last sentence and I could feel my eyes sting.

"Bucky, I know you are upset and angry but it's too late, she has already decided to go. And to answer your questions we cant go because we are going on other missions and the agent isn't going because Tony doesn't trust him."

"All this because Tony doesn't trust a person huh? I thought that he was her friend, and he is sending her on a dangerous mission. Wow what a friend" Water starts spilling out of my eyes and I feel Steve wrap his arm around my shoulder and rub my back."

"You will be alright mate. I will give you some time alone." Steve shuts the door while I cry silently, sitting on my bed wishing that I could go instead.

I'm so sorry I haven't posted in forever. I just needed a break from things to clear my head and I had a lot of stress to complete the story but I think I'm better now and have two more chapters to make up for my disappearance. love you <3!

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