I cant remember

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I woke up confused that I wasn't in my own bed and then remembered what happened the other day. Oh my gosh, I spent the night with Bucky. Didn't he say he has been wanting to do that for so long?

I was slapped back to reality when I felt an arm tighten around my waist. I turn my head slightly to see him beside me still in the bed. Fuck what do I do. I try to shimmy my way out of the bed but his arm just tightens more. I came to the decision to just pretend to be asleep.

After a few minutes I feel Bucky's breath quicken which tells me he's awake. My body tenses up a bit and I fix my mind to sleep. Well, pretend to sleep.

I feel the bed tip and now know that Bucky is out of the bed. I wait for him to leave the room guessing he isn't kind enough to wake me up and cook me breakfast or anything like that.

I wait five minutes after he leaves and then I creep back into my room. As soon as I close my door, I only then realise that I have one of Bucky's jumpers on and that I left my swimming stuff and my phone near the pool.

I get ready and leave my room and bump into Natasha. "Oh hey!" I greet a bit sheepish. "I didn't know you got back from the mission yet."

"Yeah we finished earlier then expected, you would've known that we were coming back if you checked the messages I sent you though." Nat replied a bit annoyed.

"Sorry, my phone died and I had to put it on charge" I lied scratching the back of my neck.

"Okay, well me and Wanda are having lunch at a cafe, you coming?"

"Yeah sure, I just have to check with Tony what work I'm doing today." I answered walking away.

"Hey where did you get that jumper from? I haven't seen it before" I hear from behind me.

"Oh it's a new one I bought. Got to go!" I quickly said continuing to walk away.

I pressed the lift button to the swimming pool and got my stuff and put in my room. I then rushed to Tony forgetting about breakfast.

Time skip

I've finished my work with Tony and we built a new machine that changes the heating according to the temperature outside which was pretty cool. I also had lunch with the girls and then kept on teasing me about liking Bucky.

I always seemed to blush because my mind kept going back to what happened last night. I thought it was best if I didn't tell them though because the word will get around quick and I wouldn't be able to cope with that.

Thinking of Bucky, I haven't seen him all day. I don't know if it's coincidence or if he's avoiding me on purpose. Me being the pessimist I am thought he was avoiding me on purpose. That's the only way that explain the morning where he just got up and left.

I was making my way to my room texting Wanda on my phone when I ran into someone. It was Bucky.

"Watch where your going" he says annoyed.

"Oh sorry. I should really stop going on my phone while I'm walking. I was in a whole new reality." I chucked apologising

"I really don't care." he rolled his eyes and walked away.

I stood in my place in shock replaying in my head what just happened.

I walked to my room slowly and sat down on my bed. So he sleeps with me and just goes back to hating me.

I can't even think about what I did wrong every time I ran into him I apologised and I seem to be the only one he hates.

I didn't leave my room after that. I didn't even leave to get food I just stayed in bed silently crying thinking that he used me and just said those things to get me into bed.

After about an hour I checked my phone and found lots of messages from Nat and Wanda. I couldn't be bothered to answer them though.

I don't even know why I even liked him in the first place. I can't remember.

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