And don't die!

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I woke up to the alarm I set early in the morning. I rubbed my head and got up reluctantly. I wanted to leave in time so I decided to pack early, even though I should have finished last night.

I followed the list and put a few extra things in the bag just in case. pun intended ;). I looked around my room for anything I might have forgotten to pack and just then I got a message from F.R.I.D.A.Y to say the plane has arrived. Before I shut my door to my room, I sent a message to Wanda and Natasha telling them to meet me outside.

The lift reached the bottom floor and Happy grumpily took my bags with Tony's orders. Then I discussed a few more details with Tony about the person I was going undercover as because I may have forgotten a few things.

Nat and Wanda then rushed outside with lots of questions to which I answered why I was going.

They begged a few times for me to stay but I told them I had already decided I'm going and that I would be fine.

"Sorry to interrupt you girlies but it's time to go Y/n" Tony said gesturing to the plane.

"Y/n don't go, Tony is manipulating you." Wanda pleaded causing Tony to chuckle

"Guys, I'm telling you I will be fine. And if anyone tries to attack me just remember that story I told you when I broke that punching bag." I insisted backing away towards the plane.

"I thought you made that story up?" Nat laughed

"Fine. I will allow you to go but that means I'm going to be texting you 24/7."

"I am capable of looking after myself!" I shout when I get inside.

"Have fun! And don't die!" I hear as the door shuts. I laugh to myself as I sit down on a seat with a window next to it. I wave to the girls and Tony while the plane lifts up.

I sigh and look at my phone when the vehicle started moving forward.

...but I swore I heard someone shout my name.

I hate you tooTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon