Sam's Plan

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Bucky's POV

I hadn't talked to her since that day because I couldn't approach her for some reason. I would gain the courage to talk to her but every time I saw her from around the corner or from another room my stomach flipped and my tongue was glued to the top of my mouth.

I would practise talking to her with my mirror that had a picture of her glued at the top that Sam gave to me for some reason. But my mind just couldn't focus and find the right words. When it did, it came out as a jumble that didn't make sense and felt like they meant nothing.

That had happened for about a week until Steve came up to me one day and told me something.

"Hey Buck! How's it going?" Steve called out from the sofa he was sitting on.

"Good." I lied.

"I've known you for too long to know that you are lying to me..."

"...It's Y/n, I can't talk to her. every time I try to my brain doesn't work. And I think she hates me."

"Maybe you should practise talking to her in your mirror."

"Tried that. doesn't work."

"Umm, Well that was my only idea to be honest." Steve chuckled and I gave a weak smile.

"I've got an idea!" Sam shouts from the corner of the room.

"How long have you been here?" I question.

"Since before you were here. I'm actually surprised you didn't realise I was here sooner."

"Anyway what's your idea?" Steve asked rubbing his chin.

"Meet in Bucky's room and I'll show you. I will be a minute" He said and ran out of the room. He tripped over a chair and me and Steve chuckled.

*In Sam's room*

Me and Steve were waiting in For Sam, when suddenly the door burst open and there stood Sam... But he was in a dress and a wig.

"Nice dress" I compliment, my hands gesturing to the thing he was wearing.

"Thank you. I know I look gorgeous" He says in his sassy voice. Steve stood there looking shocked an amused but didn't say anything. He thought it best not to say anything and just help his friend.

"Anyway what's your plan and does it have anything to do with why you're dressed up?" I questioned.

"Yes it does have something to do with my plan I didn't just dress up like this for fun. My plan was that you would pretend to talk to Y/n like you do with the mirror but do it to a person so you get some actual responses and not ones you make up in you head" Sam replied matter-of-factly.

"You didn't have to dress up like her to do it." Steve finally spoke.

"Yes I did okay! It is a crucial part to my plan!" Sam shouts.

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