I think I like him

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"I don't like being single" I cry. "What if I grow old and end up going to and old people home and die alone!" I say drunk.

"You said you were happy being single like five minutes ago" Nat laughs.

"Well that might of been five minutes ago but it's also been three drinks ago as well, and I'm starting to panic" I scrunch my hair up in my hands.

"Y/n, calm down you have plenty time to figure things out." Wanda wraps her hand around my back.

"Guys..." I say a bit quiet.

"What is it?" they both say.

"I think I like him"



"Well no fucking shit!" Nat shouts. Wanda laughs at her change in voice.

Then there was a loud knock on the door. We all jump from the sudden sound and Nat walks over, opening it. Steve was stood on the other side with a look of worry. "Is everything alright I heard someone shouting." he says taking a step into the room.

"Oh. Everything is alright it's just... Girls talk." Wanda answers shrugging her shoulders giggling.

"Okay. Glad no one is hurt." He walks away with a smile. I go to shut the door after Steve but see Bucky standing in the hallway waiting for him. I wave and give him a smile but get an eyeroll in return. That man is so confusing.

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