We Are The Strays | Chapter 3

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I woke up and rolled over. I twitched out. I thought I was going to roll out of the bunk, but I'm in a king size bed. I rolled over the other way and felt Andy's body. I looked up and blink a couple times.

He was sleeping. I looked around the room. There was a black wall with pictures of the band and a nice window that brought a natural warm to the room. There was batman everywhere to.

I saw my boxes and bags and the floor. So this is my new home. "Alice." I looked back at Andy. He kissed my lips. I kissed back. "Welcome home." He muttered. "What was that." I said leaning away so he can chase my lips. "Welcome home." He said leaning closer to me and I leaned away farther.

He got my lips. And we both started laughing, "let's get up." He said rolling on to the floor. I stood up and got dressed. Andy just slipped on a sweats and no shirt. I can't help but just stare. And I couldn't make it anymore obvious.

"Alice. Babe." He said walking closer to me. I snapped o of my trance and backed up. "Huh?" He smiled and walked closer and stood right in front of me. My breath caught in my throat and I got really flustered.

He grabbed my hand and placed it on his chest. He was so warm. I literally melted at his touch. "Babe." He said lifting my chin up. He leaned down for a kiss. "I love you. Now let's get ready." He said kissing me one last time. I nodded.

I slipped on some jeans and a tank top with a sweater. Andy did the same. Except he wore a long sleeved grey sweatshirt. Damn did he look good. He walked up to me and kissed me and placed a hand on my small belly.

"Let's go get some snacks and head to the doctors?" He spoke. I placed a hand on top of his and looked up at him. "Okay." And we both put on our shoes. Andy, his boots with the zippers, and I slipped on toms.

We walked to Andy's car and got in. I plugged my phone in and played some Icon For Hire. Andy grabbed my hand and we held hands on the middle. I went on my twitter and tweeted. '@AliceInWonderlvnd: going to see if my baby is healthy. This little bundle of flesh. Mommy and daddy love you already!'

I got loads on mentions and tweets back. Mostly all kind ones, but of course there were the hate comments. 'Ew Andy actually had sex with you? Whore' and 'gross. I hope Andy leaves you and that kid. Carmella and Juliet are WAY better.'

I ignore them as much as I can. I turned my phone off. The it started ringi right after. It was Alex. "TELLMEAFTERYOURAPPOINTMEMTHOWITGOES!" I pulled the phone away from my ear. "Ow fuck, loud much Dorame." I said. "Sorry! I just saw your tweet! Tell me how it's goes!"

I laughed at her. "I'll video call everyone." I said and hanged up. We drove to a restaurant. We walked in and there was hardly anyone here. We sat in a both for about 10 people. I looked at Andy and raised my eyebrows.

"The guys are coming for breakfast. And by guys I mean Ashley, Jake, Jinxx, CC, and Damon, and his girlfriend." I smiled. "You called them?" He nodded. "I thought there'd help make L.A seem more welcoming." He said as the waitress brought us water.

"You guys ready to order?" "Well just have the breakfast special. And there's about 8 other people coming." Andy spoke for us. I smiled at him and we laced our hands together.

We sat for about 2 minutes till the guys walked in. "Hey!" Ashely exclaimed running up to me and sitting beside Andy. Then CC sat by Ashely, and Jinxx, sat by CC, and Jake sat by Jinxx.

"Hey guys! How's things going?" Jinxx looked a little down. I looked at Ashley. 'Sammi' he mouthed. I nodded. I hope it's nothing too bad. Sammi and him are married. I haven't seen her yet though..I hope it's not bad bad. Jake spoke up. "Good. Just relaxing before we go on tour again." I looked at Andy.

"Um..were going on a 4 month tour a week after New Year's Eve." "What?" I said. "Well. I thought it be best to go on one before the baby comes and then take a whole year off." "When were you going to tell me?" I snapped. "Tonight." I sighed.

"It's a smart idea. But I'm going to miss you." I said pouting. He kissed my head. "I'm going to miss you too." Then I heard the bell for the door jingle. Damon and Carson walked in.

"Hey!" Damon said walking in holding Carson's hand, I waved and patted the seat next to me for Carson. She smiled and sat beside me. Damon greeted the guys and me and Carson talked. "So how's Damon treating you? Not still his in you in closets?"

She gave me a chuckle. "No, we came the day after he came back from warped tour." She squealed. "Awe. I'm soo happy for you two. Your really sweet." She blushed. "Thank you. So how's Andy treating you." I smiled. "Great. Were actually going to the doctors after this, to see how the baby's doing."

Her smile grew bigger. "That's right! Your going to be a mother!" I nodded. "A little scared, but what's done is done." I said. I was more than scared. I'm 19 for god sake. "What do you hope for it to be?" I smiled. "Honestly. I want a girl, but I'm glad either way." I said smiling.

"So..this might sound a little personal but, what about Carmella." She brought her up. I sighed. "I don't know. Andy's the dad. But she's really cute, and I don't hate Juliet, but she's been rude lately. I'm not going to ever take it out and hate Camie."

She smiled. "Were taking it day by day I guess. We haven't even seen her yet this month." She nodded. I saw the waitress bring all our breakfast. I looked over at Andy who was chatting with the boys.

"Let's dig in." Jinxx said and we all ate. We left early cause we lost track of time and had 15 minutes to get to my appointment. We got in the car and were off to the hospital.

Andy looked at me. "What?" He smiled. "Your so cute!" I smiled at him then he looked back at the road. My eyes widened. "ANDY!!" I screamed and it went black.

I heard a crash and the sound of glass shattering around me. I felt my body being knocked around, I felt glass cut my face and body. Then it went quiet. I groaned. "Ahh...AHHHHH!" I screamed I couldn't move. I was stuck upside down in my seatbelt.

Here was a big chunk of glass in my side. "Ahh...mmmm." I pulled it out and tossed it. I looked to Andy's side. He was on the roof, or floor since we were upside down. "Andy!" I said bearly above a whisper.

I clicked my belt and fell on my side. "OW!" I yelled hitting all the glass. I looked up and saw the vehicle that hit us. It was a huge truck. The driver looked like he was thrown out the window.

I moved to Andy. I crawled to him and grabbed his hand. "Alice.." He said bearly even awake. "I'm..here." And it went black.

A/N 'Awwe shiet! What's the hell was that?! Vut is dis shiet?! Da fueck? U ain't gon do dat to Andie and Aliss!' << that's how I imagine you guys sound. Don't ask me why, it just does. So damn, they got in a car crash. Alice is pregnant. Da fuck? What is this! Why would I do that? Dunno bruh. Dunno.

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