I Believe That We All Fall Down Sometimes | Chapter 16

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It's been a month. And damn my stomach is huge, I know it'll get huger though. Just three more months to go.

Karim has also been staying at Kate's. Bryan, Johnnie and Alex have also moved in fully and are happy. I'm actually going over there soon.

I kissed crow and I was out the door. I started my car and drove down the familiar road. It was just going to be us there. Damon and Carson are out. Kate's doing whatever won Karim and her house mates.

I pulled up and parked and made my way up to their floor. I knocked and I could clearly smell the alcohol already. Wow. Johnnie answered. "Alice! Come in, come in. We didn't plan on drinking but a few of our other friends stopped by.

I looked Into the living room and saw Bryan with...Leda? Alex on the couch laughing with Brayden at Bryan. "Brayden! When did you get here." I said walking up to him and giving him a hug. "I just did a few hours ago. And I lost my phone somewhere here." He said looking around.

"Wow, your all drunk." I said. Alex shook her head. "I'm not." I gave her a hug and a smile. "Alice, this is Leda." Johnnie introduced the pink haired girl. I gave her a hug. I already knew and know who she is. "Leda. This is Alice." She gave me a smile and went back to Bryan.

He boys all had tons of drinks and Leda. "Hey! That's her!" Leda said from the ground with Bryan on how laptop pointing at the screen. "Ya, she's a Youtuber." Bryan said slurring his words. I heard a click then me and Andy's voice.

I let out a little laugh, there watching my AA QnA. I smiled back at the memory of making it. "OMG isn't that Andy Biersack. And how did she get 4 million subscribers." She shrieked fangirling.

Bryan laughed at her. "Yes. She's dating him. And she's super funny." He as we're back. They continued stalking me. I turned back to Alice who looked a bit sick. "You okay." She shook her head and got up and walked to the bathroom. I followed and she emptied her stomach.

I held her hair back. "Alex..." She sighed. "I'm about two weeks pregnant." She answered back. "Oh my god! That's great. I'll be and AUNTY! Does Johnnie know." I said happily. "Nope, I haven't told him. I'm afriad alright. He's 19 I'm 18 were still kids basically. I don't think he even wants to be a dad."

I hugged her. "You have to tell him. And I'm 19 to. Your guys will be alright. And I'll help as much as I can. Our kids will be best friends to!" She smiled and hugged me. "Just don't say a word." I nodded and we walked out.

We walked into the living room to see Leda on top of Johnnie kissing him. It looked more like she was shoving her tongue down his throat. Bryan and Brayden both looked at us after they stopped laughing. I looked to my side and Alex was gone. Leda looked up and jumped off Johnnie.

Johnnie also looks fucking confused. I walked up to them and I slapped Leda and Johnnie. Then I slapped Brayden and Bryan. "Fuckers." And I walked out of the apartment and down to my car where Alex stood.

I wrapped my arms around her. "Let's head back to mine? I'll get Kate to get us some ice dream and some movies." She nodded and hopped in the car. I pulled put my phone and started calling Kate.

"Hey Kate. Sorry, oh well then wanna come over and bring some ice cream and some movies. Yea. Okay. See ya." And I hanged up my phone. I saw Johnnie running out of the complex so I just pulled away.

Alex saw him to. "I'll just let him do whatever tonight, then tomorrow if he wants to talk we will." I nodded. I held her hand the whole way home.



I knocked on johnnies door again. "Who is it." He said groggily. "It's me." And I heard the lock click. I pushed it and it opened. "I'm sorry man, I didn't think Leda would-" "save it." I sighed. "No Johnnie I'm really sorry. I pushed you into doing a dare that it might've cost you your relationship with Alex."

"Yeah! You did!" He shouted at me. I deserved it. We all deserved that slap from Alice to. Even Brayden, though he was a bystander he still watched Johnnie cheat. Or Leda kiss him.

"She's gone." I nodded. "Yeah I told Leda to get a cab home." I said, he shook his head. "No Alex. She's...gone. What if she won't let me explain? Or what If she doesn't believe me? Bryan I love her. We've been together for 11 months. I...I.." And he broke down in tears.

I pulled him closer and hugged him. "Just sleep okay? Then tomorrow you can talk to her and explain everything," he nodded and I left he room.

"I feel really guilty." Brayden said from the couch. "Me too."

A/N okay, so I don't hate Leda or anything. And I honestly don't think Johnnie would ever cheat on anyone at all. But how about it. I did a chapter in a different person point of view from someone other than Alice and Andy. Should I keep adding chapters like that? Also tweet me! -> @linndsvy I'll reply to anyone about anything!

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