Can We Pick Up All The Pieces Of This Broken Generation | Chapter 14

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It's been two weeks. Andy still has those looks where he looks done with the world, but he's slowly getting better. Camie is still his child to him and he will never forget her.

Andy's currently packing for the tour. They leave tomorrow.

"Alice, just come with me." He pleaded again. "I told you. No one wants to see a pregnant woman on tour. Plus I'll be fine here and On the road it will be too stressing."

Andy sighed knowing that I was right. "I still don't feel right leaving you here." He said cupping my face. I nodded. "I know, but you'll be fine. I'll be fine. This tour needs to happen. I'll see you when you come home." I said kissing him.

He tossed some more clothes into his bag and zipped it up and tossed it down the stairs. "What time d you guys leave tomorrow." He looked up. "Ummm, I think at about 10 are shows at 5 so.." He said trailing off. I nodded.

We walked down the stairs and sat on the couch. "So let's think of baby names? I know we had one picked but I have some in mind." Andy said pulling me closer to him. I smiled and nodded.

"Okay so I was thinking Jasey." I sat up. "Hey! How about Jasey Rae." I said thinking about All Time Low. "Just the first name? Or middle too." I shook my head. "Just the first name." I said and pulled out my phone and scrolled through my songs.

Stella? No. Hmm, Stacey? Nah. "Oh! How about Jasey Rae Amelia Biersack?" I said. I like it allot. Andy smiled. "I love it." He said kissing my cheek. I started thinking about everything about our baby. "Who will be the godparents?" I asked looking at him.

"Ashely and Alex? Our best friends." He said looking at my face for approval. I guess. I mean yeah i like the idea. Scratch that, i love the idea. I nodded. "Let's ask them after your tour?" He nodded.

So what songs did you use for her name?" He asked. He doesn't listen to the kind I like, only when I force him but he doesn't know any names. "Well Jasey Rae by All Time Low. The song has allot of meaning and Amelia by Tonight Alive, which also means allot to me." I told Andy.

He nodded with approval. Then another full name popped into my mind. "Or we can even name her Carolyn May Biersack?" Andy looked at me. "Carolyn form you guy and May from Hold On Till May by Pierce The Veil."

"Oh damn, this just got harder. I really like them both." He spoke. I nodded my head. We sat in silence for awhile. "How about we ask the guys the same time we ask Alex and Ashley?" I said

He nodded and gave me a kiss. It was around 7 and I really needed to make a video. I pulled out my phone. 'Guys it's happening. The next AA QnA. Send us some questions!' I typed on Twitter and sent it. I placed a hand on Andy's shoulder.

"Babe, wanna help with a video." I asked. "Is it the AA QnA?" He asked smiling. I nodded. The AA is just our initials. We've done three before already. My twitter was blowing up with questions for us. I stood up and grabbed my camera and stand.

I set up our voice recorders on out shirts and plugged in our well my soft boxes. I have about four now. I positioned the camera to where you could see us on Andy's bed. "Okay talk." I said to Andy to test our voice recorders. "Blahhhhhh, Jinnx sucks balls." I let out a giggle. "Okay good." I said turning the camera on. To record.

I sat down beside Andy and pulled out my phone and got into our QnA tag #askAA and letted the questions roll in. Andy pulled me into his lap and warped his arms around me. I looked at him. "You ready." He nodded and kissed me.

I looked at the camera and clapped loud. "Hey Guys, so we are currently in mine and Andy's bedroom". I said flailing my arms. "And Andy's here...YOU READY FOR ANOTHER AA QNA?" I said to the camera. Andy clapped his hands and kissed me.

"For those who still don't know who you are. Introduce yourself." I said to Andy still wrapped in your arms on his lap. "I'm Andy Biersack. I sing in a band and make this girl scream." He said licking my arm. "Ewww. Andy! Why?" I said wiping my arm off.

"Oh c'mon, that's not what you usually say" he said wiggling his eyebrows. Oh god. I gave him a kiss. "Now let's get started." I said pint it to the camera.

"First question. How long have you two been dating." I looked at Andy. "About 9, 10 months." I said still looking at Andy. "10" he said I kissed him. "Do you even remember the day." I asked. He nodded. "The day we kissed as we left to continue our tour, which was a Tuesday on April 4th." I kissed him again. "You actually remembered." I smiled.

"Second question." Andy said grabbing my phone and reading it. "How exactly did you guys meet." He coughed. "Well. I had a show in Nebraska. Where Alice used to live." He looked at me and I nodded. It's okay for him to tell the misfits. "She was doing an interview with Bryan starzzzz, and I thought she looked hot. She licked my face and gave me a hug. She took pictures that show as well."

"Then after the show I was looking for her then I found her in the alley getting attacked. I saved her then she stayed with me in the tour bus that week, cause her apartment got broken into. That week together." He said pulling me closer. I smiled and took the phone.

"Third question. How far along are you." I said looking at the camera. "I'm guessing this is directed at me. I'm about 3 1/2 months along." Andy kissed me. "Fourth question." He read. "How many exes do each of you have." He said. "Well I have 2 exes, umm. Scout and Juliet." I tightened up a bit. "I have 1, his names josh." And we moved on for that awkward question.

I was scrolling through, loading new questions. When Andy scooted me off his lap. "I gotta go bathroom." He said hurrying along. I laughed. "Andy's peeing right now." I whispered to the camera. With a little giggle. Andy cam back and sat beside me. He had a hand on my bump on my belly. "Fifth question. Since Andy stars in your videos. Why don't you star in one of his songs? Andy did you know Alice is an amazing singer." I read aloud.

I blushed, Andy heard me song in this shower. But that's just me not caring singing. "You have covers." He asked. I nodded. "Covers from years ago." He grabbed my laptop and opens my YouTube channel up and looked for my old covers. I actually covered saviour by them.

He found them, "wow, you look so young in this." I nodded. "I was 16 I think" he clicked play. I was singing and playing piano then switched to acoustic guitar. After it ended Andy looked at the camera. "LeahBVB now I know she can sing and I'll do my best to get her to agree with singing with me on stage or even on a new record."

I blushed and Andy kissed. "Sixth question. When's tour starting and is Alice going with you." The question read. "Tomorrow. Well if you saw our list of tour dates, you would see. And no, Alice doesn't want to come. Plus it'd be too much stress on her." Andy spoke kissing me again.

I looked at the camera to see how long we've been recording. Half and hour. Usually after I edit them there down to like 10-15 minutes. I looked at Andy. "Let's end it now?" He nodded. We looked back at the camera. "Okay guys, that's it for our AA QnA. One last question for the Misfit Family and BVBArmy, it's concerning the name of our unborn baby daughter."

I said then Andy spoke up. "Which name sounds better. Jasey Rae Amelia Biersack. Or Carolyn May Biersack. We can't seem to decided. So help us out!" Andy said holding my hand. "Yeah, so till next time. This is Alice and Andy." And Andy kissed me.

"That was great." He said as I pulled away. I stood up and turned the camera off. "It was. Thanks again for becoming apart of a segment on my channel." I said referring to the AA QnA, they are really popular. The last on has 4 millions views.

He kissed me. I'm also at 4 million subscribers and followers. which I think is crazy. I'm just an awkward string bean. I turned the lights off and put my stand away and placed my camera by my laptop to edit later.

A/N figured Alice hasn't uploaded in like a month and a half. I also have a YouTube channel. I basically just talk, but I thank my readers on there on my most recent video. If you want to go check it out. Just search Lynn Rae and it's the picture of me with cat whiskers and green hair! ~*the cat whiskers come from within*~ heheh.

Also ask me some question, I'm doing a QnA and the questions can be about anything. Even my story's okay?

I Was The Moon, You Were The Sun (Andy Biersack)Where stories live. Discover now