Ill Never Wander My Friend | Chapter 11

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It's been an awesome week. Alice had thrown a huge Christmas/birthday party for me and all our friends at our place. The boys also all moved out officially. All moved in with their girlfriends or bought their own house, but we all still agree this is the BvB house.

"So?" Alice said poking my stomach. "Oh huh? Sooty I was zoning out." I apologized. She sighed. "I said, let's invite Juliet and Camie to our New Year's Eve party?" I looked at her.

"Yeah, I think that be good. Everyone can meet Camie and Sammi probably misses Juliet." That's another thing. Sammi and Ella aren't as close to Alice as I thought they'd be. Like how close they were with Juliet.

She hummed and pulled out her phone. New Year's Eve is in a few days. Well two days. "Hey, Juliet? Do- yes he pit it in. Okay. Do you guys want to come to our New Year's Eve party? Yeah. Nope. Okay." And Alice hanged up.

"She asked of you put money in her account and their coming." She said sitting back down in my lap and holding my hand.

"Were still gonna go shopping tomorrow right? Jinnx and Ashley said they'd help and bring some food and drinks over." I asked

"Yeah, umm. Alex, Johnnie, and Bryan are staying here. Hope that's okay." Alice said. I nodded. "Great. So Damon and them are coming over to?" She nodded. I actually really like her friends. They're funny and sweet.


Next day

"C'mon babe." I said to Alice. "Just hold up." She said stopping outside another store. We were at the mall and she was looking at perfumes and...wait. She's at Victoria's Secret. ^.^ I walked up to her and put my arms around her waist. She blushed when she saw what I was looking at.

It was a two piece black lingerie with the whole thing see through and some lace trimming. "No way." I looked at her with a smirk. "Yeah way." I pulled one down, along with a couple other kinda and handed them to Alice to try on.

"Andy. Your not gonna get to see them" Alice teased while in the dressing room. "Oh I will." I said back. Truth is this is kinda fun.

She came out and handed me them. Their was four sets. "They fit. So I'm guessing your the one buying these so you can take them off." She said standing behind me with her arms alright me my waist now. I nodded and pulled her to the front of me and kissed her.

I bought them and we were off. It was like 10pm now. We were just picking up some stuff for tomorrow. We got in my car and I looked over at Alice. She was looking out the window and looked so...beautiful.

She looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and pulled her in for a kiss. "I love you." "I love you too." And we drove back to our place. The whole way home I thought about how Alice would look in those lingerie I bought for her. But I know since she's pregnant, she won't want o have sex.

But she will when the hormones kick in. But I'm not gonna pressure her. So I had to occupy my mind with other harmless thoughts. We arrived home and right away Crow jumped up on the couch and started meowing for his daddy. "Awe crow. Did you miss daddy" Alice teased.

I petted crows head and pulled Alice by the waist to me. "No teasing." I said with my lips ligers g over hers. "I thought you said no teasing." She remarked. I smirked and gave her a kiss.

A/N I don't want to spoil anything but.....SHITS GOING DOWN NEXT CHAPTER

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