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"Zhao will be leading them when they attack. I have to face him. I can't let him hurt anyone else." - To Katara


"I'm always going to be your friend but you won't always need me to protect you"- To Aang


"I don't want any of you risking yourselves. I can do this alone. This is what I'm....what we were born for." - To Aang, Katara, and Sokka about herself and her pokemon


"Zu, it's okay, it's just me. [sits next to him as Young Zuko wipes away tears] It doesn't matter what they do to us, you know? You look out for me, and I look out for you. Nothing really bad can happen as long as we have each other." - To Zuko when they were children


"Yay, there's a rainbow!"


"I won't stand by and watch people get hurt. And I won't run away."


"Phew! Now I know what a kite feels like."


"Be sure to wash behind your ears, boys!"


"Remember, it's your body, and no one should touch you in a way that you feel is wrong." - To Katara


"Uh oh, something tells me it's going to get awfully hot around here."


"All right, let's go see this tiny, but biggest, wonderful, super-secret special surprise."


"Well, it looks like you've thrown just about everything in the village but the kitchen sink."


"As a farmer, you lived a life of peace. It's a shame that you must go to war again."


"Never's an awfully long time."


"Here's the food stolen by the Fire Nation. Enjoy it, and be well."


"Imperfection is beautiful...At least to me."


"Friendship isn't a weakness. It's my greatest strength."


"Did you just jump into fire for me?" - Rana to Zuko


"Don't worry, I've got this!" *Proceeds to get thrown across the room* - Rana


"I think I killed the bed."


"...and if you listen to us you'd know that and why can I hear the ocean right now?"


"I stole nothing, broke nothing, burnt nothing, and stabbed nothing. Aren't you all proud of me?"


"I have no idea what I'm doing... but I know I'm doing it really, really well"


Zuko: What are you doing here? Five words or less.

Rana: [Counting on her fingers] Out. For. A. Walk.

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