Chapter Thirty-Six

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Sokka drives Appa now, Rana leaning back against his back, the egg sling now across her chest, her fingers drawing over the shell. Katara sits in the saddle watching Aang who paces up and down Appa's back, a worried expression on his face. Aang's been getting increasingly agitated. Rana's been quiet. She's been thinking about how she feels and what Katara said about it being some lingering affection from their childhood. She doesn't think that's right. Katara meant well, but she's a bit young for Rana to be taking advice from her, especially about things like love. Rana's never really been interested in boys. Not in the romantic sense. She's barely had friends let alone a lover. Zhao would never have allowed it anyway. Even if it's not love, it is something. Deep attraction. Lust. Like. There is something there. Something in her heart she guesses.

"You okay?" Sokka asks her quietly, she hums. "Is it about what they said about Zuko?" She turns her head slightly to peer at him. "Don't listen to them" He offers and shrugs. "He might keep trying to kill us..." He teases. "But if you're into that sort of thing then so what" She elbows him a little but smiles. She gets what he's saying to her. That he's okay with it at least. If it's what she wants. If that is how she feels. 

"I know nothing will come of it," She tells him and lets out a breath. "Whatever happens with the Fire Nation and the Avatar, we're on different sides..."

"Forbidden love" Sokka teases, she snorts and leans against him. "Look, whilst your feeling it, don't worry about it....enjoy the warm and fuzzies...Just at least make an effort to fight him when he jumps us or something" He adds as she hugs him, careful of the egg against her chest. "Make it look real" She nods against his shoulder. This is a friendship she didn't see coming. But he listens to her and she listens to him. He gushes about Suki and she doesn't make fun of him. He should offer her the same to make it an equal friendship. "And you know, you listen to me when I talk about Suki, so...if you want to talk about Zu" He snorts a little. "Then you can talk to me..." She nods and pulls back from him, going back to resting against his back. "And I promise I will only make fun of him a little bit" He adds, she smiles to herself and nods. Aang is still pacing. "Would you sit down?" Sokka complains. "If we hit a bump you'll go flying off! What's bugging you anyway?"

"It's what Avatar Roku said" Aang admits. "I'm supposed to master all four elements before that comet arrives"

"Well, let's see, you've pretty much mastered air-bending and that only took you 112 years..." Sokka points out. "I'm sure you can master three more elements by next summer"

"I haven't even started water-bending and we're still weeks away from the North Pole! What am I gonna do!?" Aang has put his head in his hands in frustration before letting out a groan. Katara reaches up and takes his hand as it falls to his side.

"Calm down" She offers warmly. "It's going to be okay. If you want, I can try and teach you some of the stuff I know"

"You'd do that?" Aang asks her. Katara nods her head and smiles. She and Aang then crawl over to the edge of the saddle to look down.

"We'll need to find a good source of water first" Katara points out.

"Maybe we can find a puddle for you to splash in" Sokka comments dryly, Rana sits up.

"Actually we should find somewhere for the pokemon to stretch their legs too and get something to eat" She offers. "I hate keeping them all cooped up in that ball...I know we're running out of space and Ninetails and Wartortle are bigger now"

"We'll find somewhere" Katara assures her with a smile. They all know it's been tough on her, with her mood, her injuries and being away from her pokemon because of their limited space. She used to have them with her all the time before. When she travelled on foot with her Fire Nation guards. Now she feels like she barely sees them anymore.


Appa lands next to a waterfall in a clearing. This will do for some water-bending practice and there should be some fish and berries or nuts around for the pokemon. This will work well for what they want. Rana lets out all her pokemon who stretch and greet one another once they have their feet on the ground. Ninetails moves to Rana and looks up at her. Still unsure now. She bonded with Noivern straight away after his evolution. And with Wartortle. But there is something different with Ninetails. Maybe it's because Rana has been in a bad mood since. Maybe it is nothing to do with Ninetails but just Rana. She sighs and crouches in front of her. She really is a beautiful pokemon, she just wishes she had her tome back to read about it.

"Come on," She tells her softly. "Let's go find some food for everyone" Foraging is going to help with that bond. Doing something together. Ninetails nods and swishes her tails. Rana stands and then moves to Sokka who pulls a few supplies from the back of Appa. "Sokka" She starts, he hums and looks at her. "Will you keep an eye on them whilst we go searching for some berries?" Sokka nods and pulls a face at Rockruff who runs towards him, Rockruff goes into a play bow as he pulls a face back. Rana smiles and then walks away with Ninetails who follows behind a little slower.

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