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A loud thud forced me awake.

Turning, I looked around my room. It was quiet. Quiet enough to make me want to hide under my covers.

Laying back down slowly, I turned on my side and tried to go back to sleep again but a loud thud followed by the crashing of something shattering against the floor forced me up again. This time I wrapped my blanket around me and pulled my knees to my chest, hugging them.

Another crash caused me to flinch, but this time I dropped my feet down.

The fear I was feeling was quickly outweighed by my curiosity.

Shuffling forward, I moved to the door and creaked it open. Not too much, just enough that I could see the hallway.

It was dark and empty.

"What's going on?" I whispered, hoping that my parents were in the hall, going to bed as always.

What's going on?

Another shatter and thud followed by a pained grunt hit my ears.

It... sounded like dad...

Swallowing down my rising fears, I snuck out my room and slowly made my way down the hall.

A gasp hitched in my throat as I reached the end of the hall and saw my mother lying on the floor in a pool of red and my father being held by the throat by another man. He struggled to get free but his hands fell down limply by his sides.

"Alright, time to extract the jutsu and-" the man grinned before it disappeared and a frown took his play, "what is this? No! Damn it. Are you serious? Only when the bastards alive? Fuck-!"

The blanket wrapped around my shoulders slipped out of my grasp as I staggered back a step, fear clutching at me as I stared forward.

It must've made a sound because the man still holding my father up snapped his head over to my direction and grinned.

"Ah yes. They did have a child didn't they?" he dropped my father's body and turned to me.




I turned, the only thought was to get out. Get help. Get away.

"Where do you think you're going, darling?" a hand grabbed my arm and dragged me back.

"No! Let me go! Leave me alone!" I screamed out, over and over until my throat stung, "help! Daddy! Mama! Help me! Please!"

"Oh, honey, they won't be helping you," the man wrapped an arm across my shoulders and forced me to stay in place as he used his free hand to force me to look at my parents, "you see, they're both... dead. And I'm the one who killed them."


"And you, my dear, will be coming with me until you mature enough to be able to use your bloodline jutsu," his hand moved from my cheeks up to my eyes as I felt tears slipping down my cheeks, "now now, hon, there's no need for tears. After all, they were just your parents. You can buy yourself new ones for a cost so there's literally no point crying over these two idiots."


You're wrong.

You're wrong!

"Let me go!" I shouted again, kicking him in the leg.

"Arg! You little-!" I managed to push out his grasp and grab the fruit tray off the table. I swung it at his head, it connected, left over fruit from earlier today flew around the area as I dropped the tray and sprinted for the door.

To My End | Neji x readerWhere stories live. Discover now