Chapter 5 - The Minister of Sinister

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Morning came and the sun shone through the large window in the living room but barely made enough light since the sky had still not worn off from yesterday's events. The fireplace was now out and Mr. Lordi sat on the wide arm chair gazing at out the window. Emily was asleep on his lap in his arms. Mr. Lordi smiled and knew the time was coming to wake her. Emily moved in her sleep and then Mr. Lordi cradled her gently.

"Emily...." he whispered. Emily heard the sound of his voice and moved her head which was resting on his shoulder.

Emily opened her eyes and looked at him covering a yawn, "Oh.....hello Mr. Lordi what time is it?"

Mr. Lordi smiled and kissed her cheek. "It is morning now, and now the time has come."

"Where are we going to go?" she asked him with curiosity,

"Only when I step into another dimension do I know for sure." Mr. Lordi said and then he stood up taking Emily's hand and she stood up beside him.

A dark vortex opened in front of them.

"Where does this lead?" Emily asked.

"To another dimension, do you trust me?"

"I trust you." she said, and then they stepped into the portal.

The vortex closed behind them and then soon they were flying through it faster than the speed of light. Emily did not let go of Mr. Lordi's hand. She was beginning to wonder where she was going to go with him. Another time or another dimension was the only question remaining. For Mr. Lordi it had not been long since the last time he had travelled this far.

It was just like the time he found his allies only this time he had Emily beside him.

"You sure you know where we're going Mr. Lordi?" Emily asked,

Mr. Lordi kept his eyes on the path in front of them. "Yes Emily. We will get there soon," he replied, and then just when he said it the path came to an end and then they stepped out of the vortex.

The sky was dark again and when Emily and Mr. Lordi exited the portal they were standing in a graveyard. Mr. Lordi had not been in one since the day he found Awa in the seventeenth century.

"Where are we?" Emily asked as she looked around; the night was silent and the sound the ravens in the sky echoed from afar. Mr. Lordi walked towards one of the stone graves and read the text engraved on it.

"This is not the same place I went to last time I was in a place like this," he said.

Emily gulped and then she stood beside him. "Are you sure?"

Mr. Lordi nodded and then still holding Emily's hand, he began walking with her down the path. Emily walked beside him and took notice of a casket lying open on the ground. The casket looked like it had been decomposing underground for three decades and a rotten corpse hung out. Emily's heart thudded with fear and then suddenly a faint buzzing sound was heard and Mr. Lordi and Emily stopped walking.

"What was that?" Emily asked,

Mr. Lordi went silent; he had always become so serious during a mission and then he look over his shoulder to the dark horizon behind him and saw a flash of green and black. Then he turned to look ahead of him and saw a church with a light inside. The buzzing sound grew a little louder and Mr. Lordi turned back to the flash he saw which looked like a swarm.

"Emily. Run for that church, now." he said firmly,

"What's going on?"

Mr. Lordi could see the source of the buzzing sound more clearly now: A swarm of black and green flies was flying towards them.

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