Epilogue - Happy New Fear

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The sky was now blue once again and all the dark demons had disintegrated into the sunlight. The sceptre held in the hands of Mr. Lordi and Emily separated into two weapons and Emily's sword vanished.

"It looks like we have defeated the dark threat once and for all," Emily said.

Mr. Lordi turned to face her as he put his axe away, "Yes Emily, we have learned to control the power of our love. This should help us in any future battles ahead,"

Emily looked pale, "What future battles?" but then Mr. Lordi quickly grabbed her gently by the waist and pulled her into a kiss instead of answering her question, a clear message that he did not want her to worry and focus on the present. Emily kissed him back throwing her arms around him happy that peace was on Earth once again for the moment.

One week later. Emily walked down the path alone one night by the lake towards Mr. Lordi's mansion. To celebrate the occasion of Earth being once again safe from the demon threat, Mr. Lordi had decided to throw a party at his home. Emily had chosen to wear a black strapless ball gown with a pink sash and heels, her hair she decided to curl, and she wore dark eye makeup and red lipstick. This is so exciting, she thought as she walked up to Mr. Lordi's castle-like mansion. The lights were on and there was music playing. Emily wondered if they would have rock music as she knocked on the knocker.

Amen answered the door, "Wow, Emily you look amazing!"

Emily chuckled, "Thank you Amen," she said and then Amen opened the door wider for her.

"Mr. Lordi will be here shortly. I think he is just putting on cologne for you," he said in a teasing way. Emily laughed at his joke and then walked inside. Mr. Lordi's allies and gargoyle monsters were gathered in the foyer exchanging chatter.

Awa approached Emily, "You look fabulous, but this is not a royal ball you know,"

Emily chuckled again, "Oh Awa, I love to dress up, no matter the occasion!"

Awa nodded acknowledging Emily's choice assuming this was another human thing. Emily walked around for a little more mingling with the other monsters who complimented her on her beauty. It was like one of those horror movies where one person was surrounded by scary but friendly creatures and was the prettiest one there.

Soon, the doors under the stairs opened and Mr. Lordi emerged. He looked around as everyone turned to him. Emily came out of the crowd smiling and then she ran over to him. Mr. Lordi opened his arms, hugged her tight, and kissed her in front of everyone.

"You look very beautiful tonight Emily," he said after releasing her,

Emily's cheeks turned red, "Thank you," she said softly and then he held her hand and turned to the crowd,

"We have gathered here today to celebrate our victory against the second set of demons that dare threaten Earth our new home. Once again peace is upon us. Hail the glorious day of peace!"

The monsters raised their fists, "HAIL!" they chanted,


In the dining room of Mr. Lordi's mansion, the monsters were having dinner. Emily sat next to Mr. Lordi who was at the end of the table. They were eating monster food which was mostly bleeding organs and other strange meat. Emily looked disgusted at first and was reminded of the time she was almost served as the main course of a chainsaw buffet back in their world. Mr. Lordi had given her human food to eat at the table so she wouldn't starve,

"I am sorry if you have to see that. My allies these days do not wish to eat anything else except this," he told her.

Emily took a bite of her bread, "No it's okay; I'll get used to it. Did I ever tell you that when I was on my way to find you in Lapland some nasty monsters tried to saw me up and eat me?" she asked him,

Mr. Lordi nearly spat out his bleeding rib but he didn't look too surprised, "Garko and Jada are prone to act that way to a foreign living creature that enters Lapland. They really do not mean it most of the time but ever since Amen told me what they tried to do to you, I have lost my trust in them. They are currently serving as waiters here,"

Emily looked at him and then she saw Garko taking Awa's empty plate away and she giggled, "I wouldn't call that extreme, at least that's better than executing them I guess," she continued to eat her dinner and then when she was finished Jada came and took her plate. Emily could not help but feel sorry for them.

Later on, music was playing in the mansion. It started with hard rock and then heavy metal. Emily stood up against the wall with Mr. Lordi watching the others dance.

"You can go if you want. I will be right here," Mr. Lordi said, looking at her suspecting she wanted to dance as well.

Emily shook her head, "That's all right; I would like to stay with you for now." and then a few minutes later Amen changed the music.

"I am going to slow things down now," he announced and then suddenly all the monsters cleared the floor and stood against the walls but Mr. Lordi's monstrous heart gave a leap,

"Would you like to dance Emily?" he asked, Emily's heart thudded hard and then she took his hand which he held out to her and he led her out into the center of the dancefloor.

Emily's heart raced even more as the slow music started. I hope you know how to dance, she thought like saying to Mr. Lordi.

"Put your arms around me," Mr. Lordi said, and then Emily locked her arms around his neck and he did the same around her waist. Emily gazed into his bright red eyes and then Mr. Lordi began to slowly lead Emily on the dance floor. Despite him wearing high platform boots he was to Emily's surprise, a good dancer. It was almost as if he was carrying her to the path leading to heaven. Emily could not take her eyes off him and soon his forehead was touching hers affectionately making her heart jump high. The song was a beautiful melody that brought tears in the eyes of the monsters in the crowd. Just as the song reached the ending, Mr. Lordi lifted Emily up slightly, then spun her around gently, and then dipped downward as the song played its final note. Emily smiled and turned pink. The monsters began to applaud. Emily did not know what to say except to stare in his eyes. She stood up and Mr. Lordi took her hand and they walked out of the room as Amen switched the music back to something faster.

"Where are we going?" Emily asked. Mr. Lordi looked at her smiling.

"You will see." He replied.

He led her down a hall Emily had not been down before. It was not to the room where they shared their first kiss nor was it the balcony in his bedroom. Soon after passing down a hall lit by torches, Mr. Lordi opened the double doors into what looked like a garden. Emily gasped. It was a beautiful sight. There were red rose bushes and hedges creating a path into the center where a fountain was and above it hung an arch of roses and bright lights like those on Christmas.

"I've never seen this before, it certainly wasn't here when you were in Lapland, is it new?" Emily asked,

Mr. Lordi nodded and led Emily to the center under the lights and roses where the fountain was. "Yes, I wanted to add a special place here just for you," he said, taking her hands into his.

Emily looked at him with love, "You didn't answer my question a week ago. What future battles are you talking about? We defeated Evilyn, and now her brother Vexus. What's next?" she asked,

Mr. Lordi chuckled a little and then stroked her cheek, "We do not know Emily. Remember, when peace comes we should enjoy it while it lasts no matter how long that is,"

Emily's heart pounded more, "Yes, you're right. All that matters now is that I have you," Mr. Lordi smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist and his lips met with hers. The kiss ambushed Emily and she immediately kissed him back. There was a burning sensation in her heart as the kiss continued. Mr. Lordi held her tighter than he ever held anyone before and he pulled away for a short moment.

"I love you, Emily,"

Emily smiled once again. "I love you too Mr. Lordi. Forever." She answered, and then he kissed her again, passionately, as the roses bloomed in the night and the lights shone as the stars twinkled above them. The powerful bond between Monsterman and his one true love saved the world once again. A bond that, can never be broken.

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