Team Departure (1)

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"DON'T FORGET TO PACK HEAVY COATS IT GETS TWO TIMES COLD THERE AS IT DOES HERE RANBOO!" I heard chief Dream's muffled voice shout from what appeared to be above my house. Then I heard a loud gush of wind, as Dream and his dragon decided to use my house as a launchpad, making the entire house rattling and waking up my Night-Light fury 'Ender Eye', I just call them Eye, who began to walk out form the corner of my room next to my bed. Today was the last day I would spend in the melting mountains, my new found home after the, ............... Incident. Because the medics are running low on their supplies, because of a recent cold that came through getting almost everyone, especially dragons, they got it the worse. Though all the supplies they needed only seemed to grow where Captian Sparkelz and his son Tubbo live, the Frozen Mountain Valley.

I quickly grab the rest of my already packed gear, being that of a few new added coats that Dream had suggested and bags to strap onto Eye so they don't fall into the abyssic known as the ocean. When I looked around my large first floor room I couldn't see them. Eye wasn't laying on my bed that was up against the wall to the stairs that lead up to a large study, nor behind the fireplace where I saw them crawl out from. A small sound of wind as well the sound of my home door creaked. "Already a few steps ahead of me already?" I mumbled to the empty room and went outside, it was still dark out but the lanterns around the town lit the pathways as if it was day, and there I was greeted with a grunted 'hello' from Eye, and as I thought they had slipped out the door to get some fresh air while my back was turned. "Hey, ready for the long trip bud, I need to strap these things on you so I can have them when we get to the Valley." As if Eye could understand me they got up from laying on the ground next to the brightly lit pathway and walked over to me while I was walking over to them to get some of the lantern light so I could properly strap on my baggage, they seemed very eager for my attention and was on all fours, probably because I've been having those horrific dreams again and refuse to leave my cabin till Raven or Dream drag me out to go eat or spar.

While I was finishing up with the last straps, gushes of wind sound from overhead as well as a voice, "Enjoy the warmth while it lasts you three because it's just going to get colder from here." Sapnap yelled over the gushing wind as he hovered overhead on his dragon which was a monstrous nightmare called Ultra. "Oh come on sappy it can't be THAT cold." Sapnap's sister, Raven epenthesis on Sapnaps nickname that he hated, her voice startling me. Making me jump up in a defense to defend from what I thought was danger but quickly realize it was just her, though I couldn't see her though. Sapnap just sent a cold glare to the side of my house and sure enough Raven who walked around, now standing beside my house now in my full eyesight, her dragon was nowhere to be seen. "Uh huh, yeah, will see who is frozen like an ice cube when we get there, and where's your dragon have you even begun to pack?" Sapnap said cockly but as if on cue Raven's dragon Hillgur, who's is a Silver Phantom, flew overhead most likely to the entrance to the dinning hall, that's where Dream had instructed me, Sapnap, and Skeppy to meet anyway." Sapnap just scoffed in defeat and flew off with Ultra while Raven huffed and turned into her half breed form a Raven, that being how the Dream Team gave her her name, and flew in the same direction. I glanced at Eye to make sure all of the straps were good and if they were doing alright with the new bags attached to their body, they didn't even seem to notice the new weight. "Alright Eye, let's go see what Dream wants us to do before we leave here for the next few months." hopping on Eye's saddle and following the siblings.

After everyone had arrived at the front of the dining hall Dream ordered everyone to have breakfast then we could finally take off on our long day flight to the frozen Valley village. While I was having some breakfast I began reflecting from when Dream first announced the trip "It feels like years since Dream announced that we would make a visit to the Frozen Valley and that I was finally able to go because he took me up as his apprentice." I silently mumble to myself not like anybody would hear. I usually sat alone in the large dining hall lit by a large fireplace that sits on the far left wall burning brightly as well as a few fire lit lanterns high above the average height of people, I'm very much so an expectation to that. Though I don't blame Dream though, especially after the war with the XD's. Even though I hate to admit it I was under XD's control longer then I would of liked and had no control over what I did to this village, and many villages like this one, I'm thankful Dream was able to cut me out of the trance and take me in as his own, considering the XD's killed what I ever had as a family, not that I would remember, I was too young, hell I don't even remember what they look like.

Finally after waiting about 20 minutes, after I finished my food, outside making sure Eye was ready and fed for the flight. The reason why it took so long was because Raven was annoying the crap out of Sapnap to the point where both of his fiancés, Karl and Quackity, had to hold him back from punching her skull in. We were able to take off just as the sun had just barely crested the ocean and was now visible to this side of the world. We took a standard bird flock formation after all of our dragons were in the air, with Dream leading Sapnap and Raven side by side behind him, then me and one of Dream's close friends, Bad's husband and Raven and Sapnap's adoptive parents, who was one of the best guards, Skeppy. Behind us were two more rows of people, one of them being Bad himself and Callahan, supposedly he's a great person when you need to carry a bunch of things from one place to another. The others, including Bad and Callahan, were the ones who Dream brought along to get the materials needed for us because of last winter's sickness.That being why George had stayed behind to make sure his dragon, Goggles, was safe and because of Dream being the over protective lover he is, he order Karl and Quackity to stay behind to make sure if the worse does come, that George wouldn't be alone to mourn the lost of his beloved dragon. Though that left Sapnap no other choice but to bring his 'beloved' sister and apprentice with us on the 4 month long trip. I remember walking into the dinning hall one night because I had come to dinner late practice tactical flying with Eye. I remember hearing Sapnap's desperate voice begging his best friend and Chief not to let her go with us but to no avail.

Now here we are hearing them arguing already not even a five minutes in and Dream had to threaten the two to be dropped into the ocean thousand of feet below us now and that stopped their bickering momentarily until Raven decided to choose violence, "Are we there yet?" "WE LITERALLY JUST LEFT I CAN STILL SEE THE BOAT DOCKS FROM HERE!" And there they go again, I chuckled at their bickering but everyone was silent when Dream turned around and gave what everyone felt like a death glare. We wouldn't know of course because of the smiling mask he wore all the time, but I've been under his apprenticeship for many, many years now and I know his body language well enough. That 'look' would tell you to shut up unless you want your hide to be gone. That finally stopped their bickering and I could hear quiet, casual conversation behind me amongst the gathers that came with us reviewing the list of things they need and other things that might be useful for future sickness that may come to our village as well. Bad was also talking about old friends he and Skeppy had made a long time ago that live in the valley.

Nevertheless we came along the half way stop, a small island, not big enough for a village and dragons to stay for a long time but big enough for a good stopping point in long flights. Where all of our dragons could rest for a bit while we stretched out our legs and ate the packed lunches that we had packed for ourselves. This place reminds me a lot when I was little, though I don't have the greatest of memory, I do remember my parents taking me to places like this. Forests with dark brown colored logs that seem to be many ages older than any dragon has lived for, as well as the trees themselves being so tall they could touch the heavens. With an ocean scraping all sides of the island reclaiming the dirt to go and sit at the ocean's floor, too bad the XD's had to kill my parents and destroy everything I had. Then take me and use me as their damned puppet. "What are you thinking about?" A voice startled me out of my memories and ended up nearly hitting the person upside the head, thankful they ducked in time. "Whoa, hay, Sorry man didn't mean to chill you to the bone." As well as the very much identifiable laughter of Skeppy began, "Oh sorry just thinking about," I paused sheepishly scratching behind the back of my neck then mumbling "my past." Skeppy made a quiet "oh" sound before giving me a sympathetic look, because almost everyone in our village knew of the terrible things the XD's made me do to them and what they did to me, and how much trauma it caused and how much I despise what I was forced to do. He simply patted me on the shoulder with the same sympathetic look leaving me with a "Don't blame yourself too hard, okay?" and left me to finish stretching and making sure all the clips to my bags are still tight on Eye's body. After everyone had stretched for about an hour, Dream ordered that we tack off again because we didn't want to arrive too late into the night.

After that interaction with Skeppy I felt quite tired and layed on my back for the rest of the flight, thinking of what life is gonna be like for the next few months. Now it's a starry sky moving above my head. I was about half asleep but I was brought back to reality when I heard someone gasp. "Wait is that-" Raven was about to ask but was cut off by a breathy chuckle from Dream. I quickly set up, and saw him opening his hands up, taking both his hands off his dragon's saddle, like a person who is showing off their brand new home, "Welcome everyone to the Frozen Mountain Valley."

Lies About the Final Fight {-}BeeDuo{-}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin