Late Night Arrival (2)

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We came upon what looked like a frozen mountain tundra part of it being a mountain and the rest covered in ice, What would of been an open top was closed off with a slightly different colored ice from the rest and had an open edge to the ocean for access of entering and exiting the village the only way to enter or leave mind you. Lights and movement could be seen inside as dragons and their owners, flying around doing nightly activities, many people were on the ground as well moving about with and without items. At the open edge, there was a flat piece of wood that reached out for a couple of yards into the ocean, looks like it was a boating dock. There stand two people that appear to be wearing dragon skulls both wearing red coats,the taller had two sets of horns on the dragon skull and the smaller had only one set of horns, his cape being smaller as well and stained a darker color then the bright red the two horned skull person wore.

The one with two sets of horns appeared to be waving at us, signalling us to land where they were. Dream had begun his descent towards the two and we all followed, soon we were met with a deep chuckle. "Appears someone didn't wear proper attire for a place like this," with one glance in the direction of Sapnap's sure enough his sister is shivering like there's no tomorrow. Laughs went throughout the group and a 'I told you so' from Sapnap. "Looks like things haven't changed much since the war ended, other than you finally decided to bring your apprentice, from what you last said in your letter at least." The chief of the mountain valley, Captain Sparklez said thoughtfully, looking in the direction of Dream, while Dream had dismounted from his dragon, almost falling to the ground because of the long flight and his legs were most likely asleep. Sparklez moved over to him to catch him but was not needed. "I would introduce you to him, but I think a short tour might be in order first, since we have some new people that don't know where the main areas are." Dream's voice respectfully requested as the now not so distanced moving of the nightly town can be heard. "Of course, but you better not be stalling, just so I can find out you didn't let him come, again!" Sparklez roughly said while walking back to the shorter person who he was standing with. "My son hasn't met someone around his age with the same intelligence for many years now." Sparklez babied voiced and half hugged his short company, who I now assure is his son. Well they all appear really short to me, hell I'm even a half a foot taller than Dream. But when I mean short I mean I could pick him up and he would just be defenseless. Dream chuckled as the short and now embarrassed Tubbo quickly pushed out of his father's grip speed walking away into the town, though Sparklez followed close behind him and began giving us a tour of his home.

When entering the walls of the half iced mountain it looked like a mythical dream, a place that doesn't actually exist. "Thanks to the Alpha of XD we got some more 'unwelcomed ice' added onto the mountain." Captain Sparklez says as he points up to a large chunk of discolored ice from everything else that now has been smoothed out to add to the enclosure of the wall. "What did you do with all the stuff you shaved off?" Sapnap questioned as we moved forward through the now more quiet part of the large village. "We used it to help support these columns." Sparklez said smoothly as we walked in front of a large ice column and sure enough there was the same turquoise discoloration near the bottom of the column like the walls. Though the column itself had a spiral pathway going up. "What's the pathways for?" Raven asked, popping up from behind Sapnap. She'll never admit it, but she hates going to new places where she doesn't really know anybody, and will hide behind the people she trusts the most and occasionally that means she hides behind Hillgur. "The pathway is mostly for the night and day guards, the pathways become more separated from the top and bottom so that the guards can sit on their dragons and watch from above to keep a sharp eye on all the citizens and be able to stop any commotion or criminal activity before it gets too bad." Sparklez says, already moving forward and waving up to one of the guards that was perched up on some sort of green dragon. I couldn't tell what type because of the icy wind that blows in the open space above most of the town. After walking by many sleeping houses, trying to make sure none of our dragons wake the villagers up, we got to a set of houses that were on the ground and more were suspended a few feet up in the air, hanging on the mountain walls. "You can choose which house you will stay in, they are all laid out the same on the inside so," Before the chief could finish his sentence Raven challenged Sapnap to a race for one of the top houses, and flew up to one of them with Sapnap close behind. Dream just shook his head and apologized to Captian Sparklez about her behavior. He just laughed, "She's still a kid Dream, sometimes you gotta let them be one." He said after calming his breath so he could speak, turning away. "I'll be waiting over here waiting for everyone after you all drop off your belongings. I quickly chose the farthest house on the ground that was near the curve to the back wall of the mountain. Carefully untying all the straps and setting the bags in the back of the room away from the window that was near the front of the cabin. I wasn't able to get a good look at the cabin but I didn't want to wait the chiefs any longer than Raven was going to hold them.

After everyone had dropped off their belongings most of the dragons that had been here before flew up into a hole that was in the mountain. "Where does that hole go exactly?" I asked, still looking up at the gaping whole in the wall that was big enough for almost any dragon to fly into. "If you fly into it and turn left you enter the dragon area, the main entrance to it though is behind the dining hall, though is kinda ironic since dragons aren't allowed in the hall." Someone other than Captian Sparklez voice said, as I turned on my heel to see none other then the small figure which, with the two horned dragon skull that was at the dock to greet us. Still am not sure if it's Tubbo, because if I learned anything that the lessons Dream gives me. Is not to assume anyone's identity till given a proper name. "Ah Tubbo, so nice of you to finally join us." His father greeted his son, looking at him expectantly. Welp that answers my question. "What?" Tubbo asked, tilting his head to the side a little confused. "Well we have new people here and you haven't properly introduced yourself now have you?" His father bluntly said putting his hands on his hips like an upset female would do. Tubbo let out a disappointed sigh before taking his hands out of his red cape, "My name is Tubbo, son of Chief Sparklez of The Frozen Mountain Valley." Tubbo said bowing, clearly trying to not sound irritated by having to do something so formal. "Thank you Tubs now why don't we go to the dining hall so we can eat?" His father said, now turning around to look at all us that had traveled for many hours. "Yes please, I'm starving!" Raven almost shouted startling her dragon a bit. Her dragon, a lot like Eye, still was hesitant to fly in the gaping hole in the wall and decided it would be safer just to follow us to the dining hall and enter through the main entrance.

When we finally arrived at the dining hall and was able to actually eat something as well. Throughout the entire time Captain Sparklez, Dream, and Sapnap were trying to catch up, and I say trying because Raven kept bugging them. "If you're not hungry why don't you go and find your pen pal and bother them!" Sapnaps, clearly frustrated, yelled at his apprentice. Though as quickly as that was loudly announced Raven quickly dashed for the halls large front doors in a mild panic "I FORGOT I TOLD THEM I WOULD MEET THEM AT THE ENTRANCE TO HERE, SHIT!" "Watch your profanity!" Dream attempted to scold her but she was already out of the large hall that is about the same size as the one at home, maybe even a tiny bit smaller, the only difference was what the wall was made out of. It was mostly ice-instilled stone, ice being embedded into the stone to make it stronger and hold up more to the conditions that they live in. I could hear Dream trying to apologize for her behalf but Captain Sparklez didn't mind much, simply chuckled "As long as she didn't use that type of language at board meetings it should be fine." I had finished my dinner and wanted to go check on Ender Eye, since like Tubbo said dragons weren't allowed in the hall. Speaking of Tubbo I hadn't even seen him enter the hall, I glanced around to see who else was in the hall. I didn't find him, but I did notice that most of our guards and gatherers had already left the hall. "Probably to go to sleep. It's been a long day of flying for all of us." I silently whispered as I was about to get up.

As I had gotten up both of the chiefs plus Sapnap stood up as well. "It might be best if we all go to rest. We had a long day getting here." Dream had yawned right after he finished his sentence. "Of course but you still haven't introduced me to your apprentice." Sparklez said in a slightly irritated tone, but you could easily tell he was being playful about it. Though I thought I could escape the formal greeting and slip out the back doors, which was odd because I never heard of dining halls having these.

I'm not one for meeting new people, don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't like people, it's just that I don't like the stares I get. After I walked through the back entrance I was told that supposedly one of the entrances for the dragon caverns would be back here. Though the second I opened the door not only did I see a Night- Light frye but also many obnoxiously loud baby dragons crawling all over them.

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