Death of a Great Leader (15)

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Even though Benson had landed on a building, I saw a small pipe that I was able to slide down and quickly ran in the direction of the crowd. I heard a few foot steps follow in-suit with mine. As we got to the crowd people began to make a split for me, and the people behind me. As I got to the center of the circle I saw my father in dream's arms- dream had his mask off surprisingly. "FATHER!" a grief ridden cry came from me as I ran over and slid on my knees through the snow to him. Father made a small chuckle before going into a coughing fit. "Please safe you're energy dad, help is on the way." I tried reassuring him but all he did was give a sigh and a sad smile. He gently grabbed my hand and said "It's to late for that my son." He barely said over a whisper before closing his eyes and his entire body going limp in dream's arms. It went deathly silent. I let a tear shed from my eye as I tried to conceal the tears. Then Technoblade's voice broke the silence

"We need to fine where ranboo had gone, or if ranboo is still himself."

Letting out a a harsh sigh Dream turned over the body of the leader of the Frozen Mountain Valley while saying "I agree with Techno- though from what I heard you are in no condition to search." Dream sternly said giving a slightly playful glare at the half pig hybrid. Techno let out a chuckled snort and said "Technoblade never dies" he paused "just needs lots of sleep." Which in turn made me, Wilbur and Tommy- the brothers were standing beside techno gave a weak laugh. "You go rest Blade we got this" Tommy sincerely said to him. It's rare to see Tommy show any type of kindness in a normal non-burst or angered way. Though from the way Techno lightly ruffled the blonds hair with a smile and a "I'll holler if I see anything." it shows that Techno knows he's being legit. Techno began to walk off to his house, which was relatively close to Phil's place. Meaning he'd have to walk past me. The hybrid gave me a sympathetic look before changing his entire demeanor- looking dead serious as he leaned down towards me and saying in a hush whispered "He looked like he was going towards the house he was staying in, last I saw him." Then standing up going back to a sympathy façade and continued on walking. I stood there for a moment a little confused until I realized what Techno told me and began to head in the direction to the other side of town. 

While trying to figure out why Techno didn't public announce the information he gave me I heard the sounds of someone being frustrated. That was when I felt a pile of snow from above plop onto of me. "What the fuck?" I said looking up to so a very frantic and apologetic look human named Raven. "Oh my god! I'm so so Sorry Tubbo!"  I let out a sigh "You're fine- just looking for ranboo."  I call up to her before shaking all the snow off and out of my clothes and skull mask before continuing on my path before the anxious shifter who forgot that they can literally shift into a raven and fly down from the roof she was on could get out another apology. 

After getting only a few paces before the temporary houses were in sight a female's voice caught my attention. "He's worried about you deeply, you know?" I quickly look in the direction of the voice. There stood in the open cross paths (a lot larger sense dragons also uses this path) a stock white creature about 8 feet tall. The creature wore a long white dress, red sparkles shimmering in the setting sunlight. Her eye's a blood read her pupils being a slight tint of pink, showing an empathic look with a small smile. "Who are you?" I immediately demand, reaching for the handle of my axe just in case she was with the XD followers. The creature let out a small sigh before speaking "I am the 2nd mother to Prince Ranboo- who is the last of our kind. I am a mer spirit who wishes to see her son safe and happy." He angelic and smooth voice stated calmly. "Wait 2nd?" I echoed one of the facts the endermen (or enderwomen) said. "Unlike most human culture in The End homosexual culture was quite common meaning that there was no reason to shun it. That and endermen "created" children with love magic- compared to the how a human female is the only one to bare children. If two endermen really love each other- a child can form from their magic." The snow white creature explained her culture simply.

 "Oh" was all my stupid ass could come up with. "But that's besides the point" the female enderman began while looking in the direction of the house that I was going to. "Ranboo" I reminded myself out loud with determination and began to walk in toward the direction of his home "Be careful little one, you must use caution! He may not recognize you immediately!" The snow white endermen called to me but when I turn my head to look at her she was already gone.

Lies About the Final Fight {-}BeeDuo{-}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon