Tag Your It, Ouch! (8)

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I looked up and sure enough not to high above the ground on my left Tubbo was sitting on a tree branch. I was about to yell to Tommy when Tubbo flipped upside down hanging upside down on the tree branch by his knees and covered my masked mouth with his index finger making a shushing sound. Giggling again until he took in a deep breath and screeched Tommy's name on top of his lungs then lifted himself up so the purple flowers covered his hiding space again. "Oh what are we, FIVE NOW?" I yelled the last part grabbing the closest branches to the ground and began climbing. Tommy ran over as well as Captian Sparklez and Dream. "What's going on?" Dream said as he saw me through the purple flowers. "Tubbo yell came from this direction, did you see him Ranboob?" Tommy's voice said from the bottom of the branch I used to climb into the tree, "It's Ranboo, and yes he's up here for some reason." I yelled back down, stopping for a minute to look at the people on the grass covered ground and then quickly looking up to make sure Tubbo didn't get too far above me. "OH WHAT THE FUCK TUBBS YOU SCARED ME HALF TO DEATH" Tommy yell was almost just as loud as Tubbos sceech a few moment before. "How do you think I felt?" Captain Sparklez says snapping at Tommy, "and why did you take your eyes off him?" "He told me to turn around and wait for a few moments while he got something. Tommy yelled defending himself but I didn't hear the rest of it because of how high up we were climbing but I was less than a branch away from Tubbo. I was able to reach out and grab his leg and catched it but then he tried kicking me. I carefully pulled him down causing him to lose his grip on the branch he had and fell a few feet but I was able to catch him with both of my arms, hugging him and bringing him close to my chest. "Let. Me. Go!" He said as he tried to escape my grasp but I didn't let up, and carefully aimed his legs away from where I was so he didn't cause me to lose balance and make us both fall.

After a few moments of flailing around trying to grab, punch, kick, anything really to escape me, he gave up. Falling limp like a cat when you pick them up underneath their front shoulder blades. "Alright! You caught me, thanks man now I have to go do shit." I heard him mumble, the skull on his head moving away from me and trying to look anywhere but at my face, and I could feel his body curl up on himself from his own disappointment. "I never said that. One. And two. If you really don't want to do that you don't have to, you just have to stay in someone's eyesight for the rest of the time or you can choose to hangout with me and not leave my grasp until the chiefs say it's time to leave." I said as I carefully began my descent to the ground. I saw him cover up the sockets to his skull with his hands to cover his eyes as well as a tiny, "Nope, nope, nope, I'd rather have to follow my dad around for the rest of the time." That's when I noticed the cuts on his hands. I stopped climbing down, making sure the branches I had stopped at were secure enough to hold both of our weight and took his hand into mine. Carefully bringing it to my face for better inspection. When I did this I heard him yelp a 'hay!' as well as him trying to pull it away from my grip, he failed as I held his hand a little tighter at his wrist so I could make sure if I needed to do anything right now to treat the scratches. I used to get scratches all the time because of the wooden handled weapons that most people use so seeing stuff like this and treating it was nothing new to me. "You've got some pretty bad cuts and splinters on your hands, so I doubt you'll be walking around with your father the rest of the time." I said letting go of his hand and carefully grabbing his torso so I could finish climbing the rest of our way down.

Once we got to the bottom, Dream, Sparklez, Tommy, as well as Niki were there. "Is anyone hurt?" I heard the short pink hair medic asked. "Tubbo's got a few splinters and cuts on his hand but other than that, no." I told her as I carefully dropped down on the now flatten grass, still caring Tubbo, then placing his feet on the ground seeing if he could stand. He stubbled a bit but then stood up straight for a moment until his father went and bombarded him with a hug and began asking him loads of questions Tubbo kept trying to push him off but then hissed the pain it caused to his hands. His father immediately pulled away and Niki took this opportunity to grab his hand and check. "They're not that bad cuts but it's going to be hard to pick all those tiny splinters out." Her quiet voice said aloud for all of us. "If you have tweezers I can pull them out. I used to get them really badly when I used to use shields or wooden handled weapons when I used them for practice." I offered "Oh yeah I do," she said, pulling out a pair of metal tweezers and some gauze. "You can wrap his hands in these once you're done, try not to touch them as much as they already have some healing oils woven in them." She informed me and handed me the items and then told Tubbo to sit on the rock I had attempted to meditate on. This is going to be interesting won't it?

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