Embarrassing Flight(11)

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 "Oh wow you weren't joking when you said you know how to take care of splinters and cuts like that." Niki had commented on Ranboo's handy work while examining my wrapped hands. "Though I would suggest not flying around on your dragon for the rest of the day, or tomorrow as well." "Well how exactly am I supposed to leave now?" I ask slightly annoyed knowing what Benson's reaction was going to be. "Your father already took his leave because of some duties needed in the village, and took the guards with him." Dream said, walking up to me with Sapnap behind him. "Yeah and all of our team is carrying materials for the gathers to sort out, expect." Sapnap trailed off looking behind me. I look to see what or more like who he was staring at. "Ranboo can you make sure Tubbo gets down on the ground in front of the dining hall?" Dream asked his apprentice, who looked up at the call of his name because he was talking to Raven, to which she took her leave once his name was called by their chief. "Yeah, I can do that." Ranboo said, now walking towards the corridor. " Perfect, come on now, I don't need your dad causing me out, for losing eye sight of you." Dream responded and geausted for me to walk in front of him out the door.

After getting out of the small corridor of the exquisite gardens, I saw Benson look up at the sound of the creaking metal door. I walk over to him putting one of my bandaged hands on his horn "Sorry buddy but we won't be able to fly together for a bit, because of someone." I snarled the last word looking in the direction of Ranboo and his Light-Night. Benson gave a huff of disapproval of seeing Tubbo's new acquaintance, as well with some smoke coming forming his nostrils, then turned around and opened up his wings and flew off. "It's only for a few days!" I yelled out to him but he was probably out of ear shot and too mad at me to care. I shook my head in annoyance and walked over to where Ranboo and his dragon were. "Tubbo, this is Ender Eye, Ender Eye this is Tubbo." Ranboo said using his hands to gesture to the both of us. Ender Eye stared at me for a moment with thin slits for eyes, then they turned to wide eyes like a cat who was interest got caught by something moving. Eye came up and sniffed my shoes and then circled me 3 times and sat down dramatically next to Ranboo and looked over to him. "What? We are simply just going to take him down in front of the dining hall and drop him off." Ender Eye grumbled but got on all fours and stared out to the open village and waited for his rider and temporary passenger to get on his saddle.

"You better not let them drop me." I snapped at Ranboo who put his hands up, "Calm down, they won't I promise." "Sounds like bull to me." I responded as he got on to his dragon's saddle, then I sat behind him, careful of the dragon rider equipment that was attached to the dragon. Ender Eye opened up their wings and then began to simply take steps forward, not jumping to take off. "What are they doing?" I asked leaning to the side onlying being able to see part of his face mask. "Eye what the hell are you-" But before Ranboo could finish his interrogation 'Eye' had finally reached the edge and walked off though they closed their wings so that we were falling in the air. Not wanting to fall off I gripped tight on to Ranboo's torso. "Whatever I did to upset your dragon I'm sorry!" I screeched, and the second that was said Eye had opened up his wings. Shooting up fast in the air, and then moving forward dodging obstacles, not that I would know I had my eyes closed and my body as close as I could to the only other person that was securely strapped onto the Light-Night. Eye had ended up flying out to the boating docks, and began to glide in the air, with the help of the wind that blows upward at the only entrance to the valley. I finally pulled away a little bit from Ranboo seeing the town in the afternoon lighting. Even though I've seen this scene before it feels so much different now. I don't know if it's because I'm on a smaller dragons or because I have to move to a side so the view is not blocked off by a stupid giant named Ranboo. Once Eye decided that we had enough sightseeing, they took us back into the village, still going a little too fast for my liking, making me tighten my grip slightly around Ranboo's torso again. Then hissing at the slight pain in my hands. "You good?" I heard Ranboo say and turn his head back slightly to take a glance at me. "Yeah I'll be good once I'm on the ground again."

When we reached the hall both Tommy and Wilbur were there and I could tell that the rest of the day was going to be long and embarrassing. Eye had landed next to the steps though I wasn't fast enough to let go of Ranboo's torso before Wilbur noticed and made an 'OoooOooo' sound with his hand on his face making a shocked surprised look. Thank whatever god that exists in this world that I wear a dragon skull 24/7. "What are you doing here, I was told you had shit to do!" I yelled out walking towards them because they were on the other side of the steps. "Your dad told us to escort you home, because you have a tendency of 'disappearing'." Wilbur said using quotes for his last word. "You mean going to Phil's house?" Tommy asked, looking at his older brother. "Are you actually as dumb as XD followers?" Wilbur said, looking disappointedly at his younger brother. "Oh you were being sarcastic!" Wilburs sarcasm dawned on Tommy, making Wilbur facepalm. "Anyway, we should get going to your house."Wilbur said then Raven popped out from behind Tommy and added "And you've got some explaining to do." She said, giving him the lenny face. "What is wrong with you!?" I shouted at her as we began to walk in the direction of my house. "If I'm going to be honest," She took in a deep breath looking down at the ground and then at my skull, "I lost count so very long ago!" She finished happily now with an added skip to her step as she skipped slightly ahead then me and Tommy, and walked up to Wilbur who took the lead. I'm going to have a lot of explaining to do, Don't I?

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