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Many years ago, a war broke out across all the realms of the world, but it started within the place known as The End. The End is a place of endermen, magical creatures that have evolved for many years and now have the abilities to teleport and are either strong brutes or skilled alchemists. Though after a failed endermen experiment a new creature that has been given the name XD for the mask that it wears. It has the appearance of a human but he was unnaturally tall and had rallied creatures of The End and attacked all of the cities killing all the Endermen, killing the ones he recruited as well, or so he thought. One survived a half black and white enderman, but he was weak and young which XD used his mind magic to engage him and use him as a tool. Then XD exited The End and began to recruit, or more like wreak havoc on villages and mind controlling the vikings across the world, getting dragons as well and he was able to get a hold of an alpha dragon, a bewilderbeast.

XD had been able to get so many people that he wasn't able to keep track of his enderman and Dream the chief of melting mountains was able to get a hold of the enderman and found out his name was Ranboo. Though XD could care less, he got his bait. That being the son of the Frozen Mountain Valley, the son of Captain Sparklez, Tubbo. All he needed to do was wait and kill Tubbo right in front of his fathers eyes, but something was different about Tubbo. He fought my magic constantly breaking out of it, and I believe that in order to keep the nuisance under control I needed the enderman. Though every attempt to get him back Dream had sent out parties to go and fetch him as well. Though Dream was smart and didn't bring Ranboo to the final fight, things did not go to XD's plan. Tubbo began to break through again and took the axe of peace and plunged it into XD chest. Though XD's lifeless corpse had hit one of the bewilderbeast eyes, the story goes that Captain Sparklez had caught his son and the vikings from both the Melting Mountains and the Frozen Mountain Valley had returned him.

Though now 3 and half years later, being late November Tubbo begins to have the same dream of the final fight, though because of being under control of XD he doesn't remember much other than the times he was able to fight through it and gain some control. Though he's not the only one, Ranboo, suffering the same effects of being under XD's control but worse he doesn't even remember what his parents look like anymore. Ranboo too begins to have dreams of the times he was under the control and begins to realize that there are a lot of things about him that are not true. Like how people say that he was at home when Dream had sent out and was in mid fight of the final fight.

This year's winter has been the worst for the Melting Mountains then ever and they have already gone through all their medical supplies for flu and it's already late November. A well needed trip to the Frozen mountain valley is needed. Though chief Dream wants to make this more than just a quick material gathering and leave he wants to stay for a bit. So he has created a team of 3 gathers plus a guard to escort them back to their home after getting needed supplies, because few of the followers of XD still believe in his cause and try to create some chaos. Then Sapnap, his best friend and right hand man, as well as his right hands sister, Raven, a shapeshifter who will be her first time seeing the Frozen Tundra. As well as the Dream's apprentice Ranboo, who Dream finally gave in to the demands of Captain Sparklez to meet his apprentice. The Supposed reason why Dream refused for the fear of his apprentice might get caught and taken away to a place where Dream can't find him or go. Though the real reason was because of a letter that was given to him by a crow, the envelope itself being sealed with a mark of a crow, and the fancy writing of Death was in it saying it was time to let the truth of what had really happened, and who they are.

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