Enderwalk Accident (16)

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(Song above will come later in the chapter )

Hint to when you should start playing music: Once's Ranboo starts to chirp while he snuggles with Tubbo

When I got to the house Ranboo was supposed to stay in, the door was already wide open. I carefully peered into the house ready for anything but nothing was there- hell not even Ranboo's dragon, Endereye. "Okay boo, where'd you go?" I timidly wispeared into the empty space. When I turned to leave when I was thrown into the back wall of the cabin by very strong arms accompanied by a large gust of wind and sure enough when I open up my eyes I see the tall figure of ranboo- except now he had two wings the same color copying his skin pattern on both sides and a tail that was a mix of his black and white skin tone but had a very sharp pointed bone at the end of it. He was obviously on edge from the way his tail flicked back and forth like an angry cat but I made the mistake of looking up at his eyes- he immediately began to let out angry hiss. 'That's right endermen don't like being looked in the eye'  I thought to myself as I quickly looked away. Though with my quick glance I also noted that his eyes where not his normal red and green but I brightly glowing purple that seemed to have only gotten brighter when I accidently looked him in the eye. "Hay Ranboo it's me Tubbo, the chief's son. Remember?" I tried talking to him, a slight bitterness in my words when I remember mu father just died but never in the world did I think my voice would actually be calm in such a stressful situation but here we are. He tilted his head for a moment his growling slowed till it came to a full stop. Still petrified to look even near his direction staring at the small fire place to my left.

That was until I heard quick steps towards me, I quickly covered my face thinking he was about to attacking me but then I was picked up to a stand position and immediately I felt Ranboo's eyes checking every inch of my body to make sure that he did injured me, looking for scratches or bruises from the impact. He was making sounds of what I presume are Anxious endermen sounds similar to an anxious dog trying to wolf or howl at you but never really fulling doing it. "Ranboo I'm alright you didn't hurt me." I tried comforting him by gentle rumbing his arms that held me a good foot of the ground, though he still kept checking. Once he was finally done he ended up hugging me but sense hes so tall- he was basically smothering me.  I chuckled at his antics relieved a bit that he was starting to calm down from his panic eralier. "It's fine Ranboo, see Im alright." I tired to reassure him but my words slightly falter on 'alright' which causes ranboo to perk up and set me on the ground in front of him. 

I was not lying- I am physically fine but mentally......... that was a different story. Though it took a while for me to reason with Ranboo. Part of the problem was that I don't understand endermen. He eventually just picked me up in his arms once again and walked over and sat on his teporary bed- curling his entire body around me it was quite some time past sundown by now when he did this. I'm pretty sure that's his way of saying that 'nothing will hurt you' or trying to find a way to shut out the world for me. Visually it worked and hell it was comfortable- who knew snuggling with an endermen with a set of dragon wings and tail would be comfortable but my mind was still not as ease. 

My mind felt like a broken recorded just playing my fathers death over and over again. It didn't take long for Ranboo it notice my uneasiness and tears I tried to hold in, not wanting to hurt him. Thats when I began to hear a soft melody of enderminean chirps . I let out a deflated sigh, "to much has happened in a short amount of time, I just..... can't" I mumbled quietly into his chest. He pulled me closer to him his chin ontop of me head- the skull I wore long sense been pulled off from Ranboos injury inspections. I could feel him nod to what I said. One of his clawed hands carefully rubs circles on my back in a soothing motion while continuing to sing the melody. Must be another one of those songs that his mothers sang him. I thought quietly to myself as I began to feel myself fall asleep to Ranboo's song- finally relaxing after all of the events of today.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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