The Task of Tubbo Splinter Picking (9)

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The chiefs gave a nod to the medic for the update and began to walk away. I heard Captian Sparklez instructed Tommy to leave us alone and go find one of the medics and to go learn some things. Now it's just me and Tubbo, even though I don't know Tubbo very well I could tell that he wasn't exactly the happiest when I said I could help out, but Niki has to help the gathers get their needed supplies so it's not like he had another choice. At least he listened to her and actually sat on the rock. I went and walked over to the flatten rock and sat on the grass right next to it and tried to take the hand that had the worst splinters in it. Though he just pulled it away, "It's fine there's nothing wrong with my hands." He attempted to say but cut off mid sentence with an annoyed hiss as he tried to hold his worse splintered hand in with the other. "Piss" he mumbled afterwards. "You were saying about your hands being completely fine?" I asked him sarcastically, he just huffed, probably rolled his eyes, that mask is convenient huh? Though he did give me his worst splintered hand, I began using the tweezers to pull the small bits of wood that were stuck in his skin.

"DUDE THAT HURTS!" He yelled after I had pulled about ten of them out, still lots more to go just on this one hand, he unfountently pulled his hand away as well. "Well you wouldn't have gotten them if you weren't climbing the tree now. Would you?" I said slightly raising my voice in anger, not by much though, because I know how scared I get when someone raises their voice at me in rage. "You climbed the tree and you got no splinters right?" He asked, trying to put both of his hands on the rock but quickly bring them to his chest with another hiss. "Yeah so?" I questioned standing up so now I tower over him completely, he knew better than to stand up because while I was pulling out the first few I noticed he was a bit wobbly and acted a lot light headed.

He didn't stand up but I could definitely feel the glare he was giving me, he was still wearing that dragon skull. "The only difference between the two of us climbing the willow was that you pulled me," Pause and then he took a deep breath and brought his hands up to his face, "OFF A FREAKING BRANCH!" He finished my statement, using his hands violently to a swinging, jabbing motion in the air his arms slowly went down to the rocks flat face when he yelled. I was taken aback and took a few steps away from, and looked away from him staring at the grass near my feet. "I-" Tubbo tried to start, looking at me as I looked into his direction, he then tried to lean on something that was behind him but because there was nothing behind him he almost fell. He was able to catch himself at the cost of more pain in his hands. He brought his hand to where the sockets of the skull are to get a look at them and signed loudly. "I'm- I'm sorry for yelling at you, it's not your fault." He finally spoke out, unnaturally quietly. "Just, I'm so sick of having to do everything my father tells me to do and the one time I try to have fun everyone has a panic attack and the oh so great and almight DREAMS APPRENTICE has to come and save the day." He said, pausing for a moment to gain his breath to yell 'Dream's apprentice'. I smiled though he couldn't see it behind the black and white face mask I wear and lightly chuckled. "What, what out of all of that was so funny?" Tubbo had said, annoyed at the fact and tried to lean back on the invisible surface behind him again, catching himself again. I took a few steps forward now standing in the spot I was sitting in moments before, "The fact you think I'm great and mighty is what's got me laughing because quite frankly, I'm so far opposite of that." I stated calmly looking where the sockets were on the dragon skull he wears. "Uh huh and what makes you think that big guy?" I stiffened at his sly comment. He seemed to notice I did that too because I noticed him slightly tilt his head to the side. "I never mind, it's not important." I said, now picking up the tweezers that I now notice I left on the grass floor. "Nah ah. No. You're telling me and HAY!" I picked him up by his armpits from the rock and sat where he was sitting before crossing my legs, setting him in my lap as I grabbed his wrist and began pulling the pieces of wood but then got elbowed in the ribs by his other arm. " What the actual hell man! You could've just let me sit on the ground!" He loudly said in my ears. I winced at his loud voice but responded, "and let you get dirt in your cuts and have them become infected I think not." I said slightly irritated but also annoyed at myself for my own stubbornness. "He only huffed and only got slightly more mad when his body decided to lean back again but this time actually getting caught by something, that something being my body. "You still haven't told me why you don't think you're great because if Dreams letters talk very highly of you." Tubbo said as he tried to move his head so he could look at me, making sure I didn't get poked with the horns that rolled down and pointed forward. "I bet, probably a cover for what actually happened to me." "Well then why won't you tell me?" Tubbo rebounded sharply. "Because you'll just act like everyone else, 'tell me that it wasn't my fault' and 'do not blame yourself.'" I ranted a little. "Well how would you know that huh? I'm not like most people so spit it out tall guy!" Tubbo sounding more irritated as he ripped his hand away from my grip. I sighed, bringing my head down and looking at the flatten grass that surrounds the rock. After a long bit of silence Tubbo was about to speak but I cut him off, "They took me from my home, killed my parents, and made me do the same for others families and made me burn down villages." I said, forcing the words out of my mouth as I let a tear roll down my cheek, placing the back of my left hand on my knee. Tubbo stayed silent for a moment, that was until he put one of his hands on top of my open hand on my knee, intertwining our fingers. "I never thought I would meet someone who was forced into it just like how I was." Tubbo's quiet voice appeared again, expecting he sounded more shaken. "They made me trick Tommy and his brother that they just captured me. That they didn't entrance me, but they did, I fought so hard against their power." He paused and I could feel his body begin to tremble. "They made me fight my best friend, they wanted me to kill him but I was able to snap out of it just long enough to throw the axe at the captured dragon nets and told them to leave." He was crying now but something I wasn't expecting was that he brought his hand that was held in mine to his face just underneath his skull, his face was already soaked with tears.

Instead of pulling my hand away completely, carefully let go of his hand and moved my hand upward til I was right underneath one of his eyes and wiped some of his tears away. He didn't say anything, he just leaned more into my body as I carefully moved my other hand underneath the other side of the skull to wipe the other side from tears. "It wasn't your fault, at least you had the strength to fight them." I quietly whispered to him. As he began to stop crying I removed the hand he didn't bring underneath the skull away but when I tried to remove the one he did he grabbed my arm. "Please don't let go. Don't leave me alone." His voice cracked and trembled from crying and the fear that the XD's instilled in him. I gave a small sigh and carefully moved my one hand up to where I believe his cheek was and began rubbing circles to help calm him down more. "It's not that I had the strength." Tubbo started then gave a small sniffle moving one of his hands underneath the skull to rub his nose, "But more I was determined to get home." He finally finished. "Maybe that's why you gave up?" "Huh?" I looked down at Tubbo's comment, it was now noon and the light from the sun was hitting the ceiling just right so I could see tubbos hazel eyes. "You didn't think you had anything left to fight for but I did." Tubbo responded to my confusion. "I mean it does make sense considering the people I now call my family are the Dream Team, but I didn't have them until after Dream saved me." I noted nodding in my head now understanding Tubbo's argument. "It might be best If I finished pulling out those splinters we already delayed long enough. If I don't pull those splinters out soon your cuts will most definitely get infected." I said now being able to remove my hand from his face grabbing the ambounded tweezers that were sitting next to one of my feet. "Yeah, you probably should." Tubbo said and this time offered me his hand.

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