3rd Degree Embarrassment (4)

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After finding my father and our visitors at the houses and grudgingly gave them a formal greeting. We were able to go to the dinning hall and eat. I sat at the far end, near the front entrance, my usual spot sense it was practically a blind spot to everyone else in the hall and began watching all of the newcomers communicate with each other. Only one of them really stood out to me. He had a black and white mask covering the lower half of his face with heterochromia eyes, one green the other red. Not only that but he was the only one who sat alone in the hall eating. The others seemed to have a friend to talk to or they were working together on getting supplies and were talking sciency shit that I don't understand. I was almost tempted to introduce myself to the guy but my father told me to stay out of all of their way just in case one of them was gathering and had work to do or was the famed apprentice that Dream had talked about in his letters because he wanted us to have yet again, another formal greeting.

I shivered at the thought and put a small biscuit underneath my dragon skull and munched on it. He didn't look like a gatherer though, but looks can be deceiving. So I munched on some more biscuits as I watched from afar. It looked like he was watching the chiefs to see if anything happened or he's really spaced out. Then one of the newcomers yelled sounded like they were going to meet someone and forgot, I couldn't see who because there was a pillar in the way. The one blind spot I have and that's where my father usually sits so I don't miss much because if I'm not told here, He'll just tell me some other time.

Then it was quiet again other than the chiefs and Sapnap talking and a few small conversations here and there amongst the others in the hall, which was mostly the people from the melting mountains and a few villages that came in late. Soon enough as time goes by, the others slowly trickle out leaving the black and white clothed dude, the chiefs plus Sapnap. I got tired so I went and decided that I would take the long way to the back entrance. That path being that I was able to walk past the black and white masked guy. I was able to walk past him and saw that most of his armor was also the same color as his mask. "Must be his dragon's colors then." I silently commented out loud thankfully no one heard me. As I went and leaned against the inside wall of the dinning hall already feeling the cold weather from outside underneath the doors. That's when the balck and white masked man walked past me opening one of the doors outside, stopping in his tracks slightly holding the door open. I carefully walked behind him and saw what he was staring at. "Wow a Night-Light fury." I mumbled to myself again but then I noticed that it wasn't in a good mood trying to get something off of it.

That's when I noticed the baby dragons crawling all over the Night-Light and the chiefs had already walked out while the masked guy was trying to figure out what to do. Though now I get an even closer look this guy is freakishly tall, finally he decides to go and help to get the babies of the Night-Light but I knew of a far faster way to get them all off. "OI!" They all simultaneously stopped what they were doing and when I mean all I mean everyone looked my way as all the baby dragons came running up to me. Jumping into my hood and pockets to hide. One of them was unlucky enough as I was able to catch them, picking them up like a rag doll. "What do you think you're doing Mister," Slightly cringing as my British accent showed strongly in that one simple sentence. "You have any clue what Phil would do to you after he finds out where you've gone. Let alone what you did? BENSON!" I shouted my dragon's name over my shoulder and waited for him to appear and sure enough in a moment's notice he walked out of the caves and flew over to me and I hopped on. Not caring if the baby dragons were secure to body enough so that if we fly that they wouldn't fall off, and we took off.

After about half way to Phil's house I realized what I had done in front of the new guy, Ranboo was his name? I'll ask Phil when I get there but, I literally just picked up the baby dragon like a plush doll that a five year old would have but not only did I do that but I acted like a five year old while talking to it. I groaned at my own arrogant stupidity, covering the sockets of the skull so I couldn't see, still holding on to the leather strap that controlled how my dragon moved. Benson was quick to comment with a hum of disapproval. "Thanks for the reassurance Benson." I hissed his name like venom. Trying to let the cool air of the mountain breeze calm my embarrassed, and probably very red face.

Lies About the Final Fight {-}BeeDuo{-}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें