Trees, Bees, and Hide & Seek (7)

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Everyone seemed to have split off. I was still troubled by what had happened, though this place looked beautiful. When I was able to leave my cabin, I left for the dining hall on Eye, and went to find Dream. That was the easy part since he was already there talking to Captian Sparklez about today's plans, which was us going to the green houses to get the materials we needed and to send back the gathers so they can help all the people back at home who were still sick. The hard part was getting him away and telling him about it. Though as if Dream himself had a sixth sense he looked in my direction where I was standing which was a table away from where he was sitting. "Is there something wrong?" He asked, looking in my direction with his mask, though I could tell his tone was kind. He could probably see that I'm shaking a bit. "No, not really but I do need to tell you something, uh, in private?"

"Of course, please excuse us Chief Sparklez." Dream responded to me then addressing his friend he was talking with and we both walked out the back entrance of the hall. I told him about it and that instead of getting captured and tortured, someone saved me and for some reason I said Tubbo was the one who did it. He stood there putting his hand to the bottom of the mask where his chin was and scratched it for a bit. "Did you write it down?" I gave a simple nod to his question. He hummed in response. "Tell you what, you can still come with us to the green houses but don't help gather anything. Find a relatively quiet place and meditate on it, try to remember as much as you can about it. Then afterwards I would like to talk to you about it in more detail, if you are okay with that?" He said putting his hands on my shoulders looking up at me. "And if you can't meditate on it or remember more on it still dont help. I don't want you having unnecessary panic attacks in public, not for my reputation, but for your safety. The last time something like that happened you nearly threw someone a Bewilderbeast away from you." He said now I knew he was looking me in the eyes even though his mask covered them from people's sight. I let out a sigh knowing I won't win this argument even if I tried, "Okay, I try and yes I do want to speak to you more about it because it was strange how it happened." I responded to him, he simply nodded his head with a "good, good." Right as he was about to walk back inside the dining hall he turned around and added " If anything more like this happens please tell me as soon as possible." I gave him a nod as Ender Eye had landed a few feet behind me.

Now here they are in the lushious greenhouse vines, trees, and small bushes covering the entire place. Near the entrance there's 8 x 7 boxes filled with small herbs and plants, in the middle there was an open field with some small bushes and tall grass. Trees near the back of the large cavern that was lit up by actual sunlight. The ceiling of the place was thin ice that was seen through and small spiked points hang down from the roof and the sides of the walls lightly melting giving small drops of water, that's how all the plants survive up here. Considering they were all in a large cavern in literal melting ice it wasn't actually that cold, it honestly felt like the normal winter cold back at home.

Near the edge of the open field and the small forest of herbal trees there was a medium sized flat rock next to it was a purple weeping willow tree, where some of the branches of purple flowers flew over the rock. "I mean it is quiet over here and I'm not sure where else it would be quiet." I mumbled looking around seeing many of the gathers talking to the guards and others showing them and teaching about what they do. "RAVEN STOP TRYING TO EAT THE MANGOES!" Sapnap's angered voice yelled and echoed throughout the cavern. "BUT THEY ARE BETTER WHEN HAND PICKED!" Raven's voice yelled back quite far from me but I can see her small figure trying to pull off a fruit from a tree. "Listen to your brother Raven!" Dream intructioned voice yelled back at her comment and she stopped for a moment, then tried to get the same fruit again. "Now!" Dream dead panned to her slightly angered at the fact she was being stubborn. She quickly left the fruit and began speed walking to the middle of the grass field. After the free entertainment I tried to close my eyes and meditate but nothing more from what I saw and remembered from when I woke up came back to my mind.

A few attempts later I started hearing footsteps walk close to me. I opened up my eyes and looked around. There was a boy, wearing mostly white armor besides his shoulders which was a bright red color, he was pretty tall too, maybe just a little bit shorter than Dream. "Come on Tubbs this isn't funny where'd you go?" He had a pretty high pitched voice for a guy, I'm not one to judge but he sounds and definitely looks worried. "Are you looking for someone?" I yelled into the woods because he was still a good distance away, he turned on his heel and looked at me, then he seemed really angry. He began stomping up to me and harshly whispered to me "Don't say that too loud. Do you want both of us into deep shit?" He said trying to take authority but I stood up and I could hear a gulp, "Ayyyy big guy!" He said taking a step away from me in fright. "You look like you were looking for someone. I could help." I said kindly, offering him my hand "Names Ranboo." Since when did I get a boost in social skills? "Tommy, Tom Simons is my real name but yeah, I am looking for someone." Tommy said, shaking my hand then quickly took it away and looked behind him. Putting one of his hands over his face to see in the distance so the light didn't get in this eye. "I've been looking for Tubbo for a bit now and haven't been able to find him. Last time I saw him he told me to turn around and wait over by the Elder trees. I wait for like 5 minutes right? I get concerned that something happened to him and now look he's gone." Tommy said, exaggerating his explanation with his hands. "Is his dragon still outside?" I asked "Oh Benson, yeah he's still there. TUBBO!" Tommy responded and then yelled into the trees that I first spotted Tommy in. "I'll stay here and let you know if I see him" I told Tommy as he began walking off into the same direction he came out of the trees to talk to me. He shouted "Alright!" to me back but right after Tommy responded I heard a giggle above me. 

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