Chapter 4 ~ Forgetting The Music Box

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Your p.o.v

I sat and listened to my music box, I took off my mask and laid it gently inside my box. I closed the lid and sat on top of it, the music was clearer out here. I saw the camera activate and a light shine from it, illuminating the room, I ducked behind my box. That was a close one... Meh, whatever right? I sat back on top of my box. Then my music stopped. I growled and put my mask on. I walked out of the room and down the hall. I swung myself over the desk and sat down on it. "I sPaReD yOu BeFoRe... I dOnT gIvE sEcOnD cHaNcEs.." My voice was darker and glitched. Jeremy cowered away in fear. I smirked and reached up and pulled off my mask, revealing my face. My stitched cheek, black and white eyed face. Jeremy looked terrified"p...please don't kill me.. I wont ever forget your music again..." He begged. I sighed "Fine..." My eyes went back to pink and I walked away. I heard my music playing again as I walked in. Marionette sat on the top of his box, as I passed him, he pulled me up and sat me on his lap. I blushed and he smirked. "Hey..." He murmured into my ear, I heard the camera activate and I tensed "don't worry.. What will Jeremy do..." He said reassuringly and I relaxed. He pulled me close and kissed me, I kissed back, the camera still buzzed, indicating Jeremy was still watching.. (Nasty Jeremy.. >.<) I pulled away and he stared at me "Sorry.." He mumbled and went inside his box. I sighed, he always thought I didn't like him... I heard quiet little sobs come from his box and felt very bad (You should -.-) I sighed and opened the lid "go away.." His voice broke and he buried his face in his hands.

??? P.o.v

That puppet will not take y/n from me.. Y/n you WILL be mine..

Marionette p.o.v

I closed my box and heard y/n walking away...

Your p.o.v

I walked into the parts and service room. It was empty, I sat on the floor and sighed. I heard a static noise in the doorway and looked up. Mangle.. I saw him smirk slightly but then it faded when he saw me crying. "Oh my god, what's wrong!" He cried, turning into his human form and running over. I turned to my human form. "I... I thought he liked me..." I sobbed and mangle grimaced "Marionette can't feel love... Or anything but hate.." He said solemnly and put a hand on my shoulder "Hey... Don't hate me for what I'm about to do..." He whispered and kissed me gently. Instead of pushing him away, I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck (ermergerd y/n whyyyy 0-0). He grinned "I love you~" he said sadly "But I could never have you.. You fell for the one you never fell for you.." He said and he looked like he was about to cry. "Who said I fell for him?" I gave up on Marionette... For now at least.. His eyes lit up "Me?" He asked "Yes... I.. Love you to.." I said, but did I?

He grinned and pinned me to the wall. "Lets have some fun then, doll~" he smirked and kissed my neck. It didn't take him long to find my weak spot and when he found it, he bit and sucked it gently, I moaned softly and was embarrassed. He smirked into my neck and I shivered. His hands reached under my shirt and I gasped at the coldness of them. "Ahem.." I looked up to see withered bonnie "You're..uh... In my space..." He whispered awkwardly. Mangle picked me up bridal style and carried me to the prize corner.

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