Chapter 9 ~ Fear

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Your p.o.v

The parent stumbled back when shade let go of her, I turned and saw shade was stop beside me, watching the woman get shakily to her feet and stare at her with fear. "Why are you messing with me shade?!" I yelled and shoved her. She stepped back slightly. "Heh.. Just because.." She smirked and I growled "Listen shade I don't want to--" "Shade..." A male voice came from the door. I turned and saw Vincent. "Well.. Hey there Vinnie~" shade smirked and looked back at me. "Well... What were you saying?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "Umm...nothing.." I said quietly.

Shade leant against my box and smirked. Vincent stood in the doorway. "Hello...grape.." I hissed and shade snickered from behind me. "Grape.." She muttered to herself in amusement...

Marionette hopped out of his box and went over to shade. "Hi..." He said shyly and I turned and gave him a 'what the fuck are you doing right now' expression. He just flipped me off. "Sup, Mari?" She asked and kicked my foot idly, I slipped and fell in the presents, Vincent laughed his ass off and shade smirked. "You alright down there, sunshine?" Shade asked. "Why do you keep calling me sunshine?!" I yelled and she smirked "Sunshine, calm down~" She cooed and I grimaced. Vincent walked over to her and stood close to her, she didn't look exactly comfortable. "Vinny... If you don't step away from me in the next five seconds you'll seriously regret it~" shade hissed and he took half a step to the left.

Mari looked down at me, he had moved so he was stood over me. All the parents stared at us and he knelt beside me, pinning my arms above my head. "if you two are gonna bang, go in the back room away from the children so you don't scar their innocent minds.." Shade hissed and I blushed, I didn't know why I blushed every time shade talked. "Sunshine, you're all red~" shade grinned and I went reader. "She blushed every time you speak to her.. I've noticed that.." Said Mari.

Shade p.o.v

How cute... Hah!!

"Sunshine... Why do you blush every time I speak to you?" I asked sweetly, smirking "I...uh.." She stuttered and blushed even redder than before "Wow..hon you're so red.." Said Vinny. "Yeah, sunshine is sunburnt..." I smirked and Vinny laughed. "Vinny. It wasn't that funny.." Why did he laugh at all the stupid remarks I made?

"Uh..excuse me?" A parent said. "What?" I asked rudely, looking at fake face who I had threatened earlier. Who was now talking to me " you have those cuts on your face without dying from bleeding..?" She asked "idiot.. They're stitched and they don't bleed.. Yet they don't heal either.." I stated simply. Why was it so hard for these people to understand. "Okay shade.. What's your game?" Y/n hissed.

"No game." I said bluntly "Bullshit." Y/n stated and shoved me into her box, I fell in backwards with a yelp of surprise. I crawled out and stared at her, bewildered. "What. Is. Your. Game." Asked y/n slowly. I debated whether to tell her and looked at Vinny. He shook his head slightly and i turned back to y/n. "You. Will. Never. Get. It. Out. Of. Me. Unless. You. Can. Read. Minds." I said slowly, like y/n had and wandered out, pushing a few parents out of the way and wandered to the back room.

Marionette p.o.v

Shade was pretty... "Vincent.. Why is shade so.. Obnoxious?" I asked nervously, he smiled slightly "She really isn't once you earn her trust.. Which isn't that hard.." He patted my shoulder. "I'm sure you will.." He reassured me "How did you do it?" I asked curiously "Just stayed by her and backed her up.. Being a good friend y'know.." He said simply and I nodded "I'm gonna go talk to her.." I said and Vincent just nodded. I glared at y/n, turned human then walked out.

I went to the parts and service room and opened the door. Shade sat on the table with Freddy. They were talking "Hey shade." I smiled. "Um.. Hey?" It was almost a question. "What are you doing here, puppet?" Freddy asked, shade put a hand on his arm and his expression softened and he sat in the corner and deactivated. Shade patted the spot beside her.

"So, I assume you came here for a reason?" Shade asked, I nodded. "I wanted to tell you something, and ask you something.." I said quietly, she nodded. "Well, first i think Vincent has a crush on you." Shade raised her eyebrows "I know.." She smirked. "And I want to ask, what is your game" shade froze. She was probably debating whether to tell me or not. "Well... Um... Its to.. Kill that..that..thing.." She hissed and I flinched slightly, the way she described y/n when she wasn't around was horrible. She didn't use sunshine or friendly venomous comments. "So..uh.. You hate y/n..." I said, she nodded "I despise her.. She deserves to burn in hell.." Shade hissed and went quiet. I could tell she didn't want to say anymore...

The door opened and a piece of purple paper hit me in the face. I unfolded and read it "Marionette, ask shade if she likes me" it was in purple writing and I smirked slightly "What's that?" Shade asked curiously "Uh.. It's about y/n.. But its nice.." I lied and shade grimaced "I'm not reading anything that says y/n is nice.." She muttered. "Shade.. Do you like Vincent?" I asked awkwardly, I didn't like these kind of situations "Vinny? Yeah, I do" she said simply "No I like.." Shades eyes widened "Uh.. I guess.. I've never really thought about it.." She said quietly and I smirked.

"SHADE HAS A CRUSH!!" I screamed, running into kids corner, being chased by a very angry shade "Shut up!!" She yelled, chasing me. Vincent stared. Shade tackled me into my box. "Idiot!" She hissed and teleported out, leaning against it. "Who's her crush?" Asked Vincent "Why do you care?" Shade asked shyly and Vincent stood in front of her "Reasons, now tell me.." He smirked. She whispered something in his ear and he went bright red.

(If you want a shade x Vincent lemon, comment or message me)

Vincent picked her up bridal style and spun her around "Whoa..." Shade said, looking dizzy. Vincent threw her gently into y/ns box. "My box!!" She yelled and Vincent smirked "Too fucking bad.." He growled and shut the lid. Y/n tried to open it but couldn't (Apparently there are locks on the boxes..)

"Damn it Vincent!" She yelled and I heard laughter from inside the box.

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