Act 2

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(this chap will be a mismash of a story and a over view of the things I thought through)

Naruto and Sasuke trains with Minato and Kushina. Naruto gets the idea of the chains, and starts in on her air training. They take a break and Sasuke gets the courage to ask Naru about the night before.

Naruto sighed, leaning back to lay on her back in the training area. Minato looked at her concerned. He knew that his daughters had fought, the yelling was so loud that the hole neighborhood would probably know. Kushina was just as worried as her husband.

"We were five, it was our birthday. Well no one likes us. We were the 'twin demons'." Sasuke frowned.

"You didn't start your pranking untill you were in the academy. I thought that was why they called you a demon."

Naruto saw uncharacteristic innocence in the boy's eyes. She sighed and shook her head.

"I keep for getting the law that forbade people from yelling those who didn't know. Well, your my team mate, and Kikyo did say you were supposed to know around this time." Naruto took a deep breath.

"I'll start at the beginning. My birthday is the anniversary of the attack of the fox on the village."

Sasuke's expression deepened. "So? That doesn't make it your fault!"

Naruto shrugged. Not sure if he would keep that frame of mind after this talk.

"The fox is made of chakra. You can't destroy chakra only contain it. The fourth needed a host for the the nine tails. And he chose me." The girl tried not to move away from the boy.

"Why? Why you?" Sasuke was in bit of a shock. He was angry, not at Naruto but at the fourth and the third and the village.

"I don't know. No one will tell me anything. And I don't have the courage to ask Kikyo, I know she might cry and be mad at everyone. That's something you two have in common. Kikyo does not forgive easy."

Kushina was the one next to speak. "It because you were the only Uzumakis there. Your mother was the holder of the fox before you. But the seal is weakend during child birth. Someone made the fox come out, and attack the village. That's why it had to be you." She didn't think they needed to know Obito was the one who did it.

Naruto stared at her for a moment then started to laugh. "That's why the fourth chose me? Well I guess it makes sense, but wow." She looked at Sasuke. "What are you going to do now?" She couldn't let herself hope that he would stay. It would beak her if he did.

"Tsk, your the dube first and foremost. I'm not going to do anything, but you better finish your story dube."

Naruto smiled in thanks. Minato and Kushina was starting to see what Kikyo was taking about with Sasunaru.

"Well the village saw me as the fox. So they didn't like me. They saw Kikyo as a demon just by being my sister. Kikyo tried to make the best of it. She gave us both the titles of 'the demon of konohana', 'the demons twin', and 'the demons the konohana'. But our fifth birthday was the worst one. Some got the bright idea to finish what the fourth started I guess."

Minato look at his daughter wide eyed through the mask. The village had tried to 'finish' what he started? He was pale. Kushina latched on to his hand. He knew that she was just as affected as he was.

"A couple of civilians and chuninn chased us thew the the streets. I don't remember most of it. But I do remember Kikyo pushing me out of the way of a jutsu one of the chuninns had shot at me.

The jutsu was supposed to cut all nerves in my brain. Effectively 'killing' me, but Kikyo got hit with it instead. It hit her right eye and spend to her left. In the end she was blind. But kept running, her hand in mine, eventually a abu off guard saw us and saved us I don't remember much after that.

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