chapter sixteen

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Jughead narrating

Every fairy tale comes with the same warning. Good children should never go into the woods alone... stray from the path and who know what you'll encounter. A hungry wolf. A handsome devil. Or maybe something worse. 

Toni's POV

"Forsythe Pendleton Jones the Third." I say and take a picture of him.

" uh, it's "Jughead" actually ."

"I'm Toni Topaz. I was supposed to give you the full animatronic tour of Southside high, but some of the robots went insane and started killing the guests, so we'll just wing it." We begin to walk down the stairs. "The classrooms doesn't have WiFi, the bathroom stalls don't have doors. "

"What about the school paper, the red and black?"

"Yeah. It no longer exists. Censorship, budget cuts. Take your pick. To your right, you'll find a rare glimpse of Jingle-Jangle being consumed in its natural habitat. "

"I'm sorry, jingle-jangle?"

"Didn't Selena tell you about drugs." He then looks at me." I know Selena or as some people say your sister. We both bartend at the wyrm together and are friends. But this place is crawling with the JJ. Highly-addictive, total gutter drug. What I can tell she didn't tell you much and left me to do all the explaining. Let's not touch that. "

"Jingle-jangle. Fascinating..."

"All right. Here in the Cafetorium, the Ghoulies sit over there rival gang, drug dealers, street racers, rumors of cannibalism, don't ask. And we sit over there. With the serpents. "

"You're a southside serpent?"

"Dude I said is worked with your sister. At the Whyte Wyrm literally only serpents go there. Plus why do you think I volunteered to give you the tour? Come on. And Selena asked me to. "

"Actually, I'm going sit alone. Just gonna finish my book and brood. "

"I'm confused aren't you like a serpent-by-blood? The son of FP Jones."

"Yeah so? I self-identify as a loner. I'm not a pack animal. Just gonna put my head down and try and get through this, Okay?"

"Hey you wanna get through this? I'm sure Selena told you, you should hand with the serpents. So imma a tell you this so she doesn't. If the ghoulies get a whiff that you're along or vulnerable, they'll make you their bitch faster than you can say "American history X." And I walk away.

Jughead's POV

"My dad keeps saying to leave it to sheriff Keller and I'm like yeah 'cause he did such a great job catching Jason's murder. Oh wait I'm sorry that was us. "

"Inside voices!" Veronica says to Archie.

"No don't stop him " I say " Archie going Travis bickle is my favorite Archie yet."

"But didn't it feel like he's targeting us? I mean specifically. I don't want anyone else getting hurt. " Archie continues.

"You know, back in our salad days, when we had a gataway in the Cape, all of us in our little cul-de-sac for together and hired private security to keep out the riffraff. As and added layer of protection. " Veronica says

"I live that little house" Mr. and Mrs. Lodge come in.


"We're on our way to dinner at the club" Mrs.Lodge says

"Yes. But I wanted to meet your friends first. " Mr.Lodge goes

"Great, thank you. Uh this is betty cooper." 

"Hi nice to meet you"

"And jughead Jones." I walk over to him to shake his hand.

"Hi, you know my dad an sister."

"I do. They both are good people. Value family. I hope their return comes sooner rather then later."

"Yeah so do we all..."

"Daddy this is..."

"Archie Andrews. The boy who's captured my daughters heart. "


"Uh it's nice to meet you sir."

Selena's POV

I call sweet pea. "Have you been fucking talking to penny."

"Selena I'm in class right now. Jughead is here"

"I don't give fuck"I keep yelling. "Answering the fucking question"

"No Selena"

"You better not be fucking lying"

"I'm not"


"So-" then I hand up.

Sweet peas POV

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Sweet peas POV

"So-" She then hung up. "What? Damn it" I then storm out fo English. I go outside and hope that she will call back but she never does.

I open the door to the red and black looking for Toni. "Topaz. Let's bounce. Jones, you wanna come with? We're going down to the quarry."

"Uh, I don't have my beach bod yet. "

"What, you'll ask for help from the serpents when you need it but won't hang with us? Don't come crawling to us hat in hand when some Ghoulie decided to earn his stripes by taking out FP Jones's kid. "

"Duly noted. Thank you, sweet pea. I appreciate what you and the serpents have done for me and my dad. I do. But I'm done. Okay? No more favors coming your way. " I then start to walk up to him but Toni gets in between us.

"Hey, Hey, Hey. He made up his mind, Okay? Thank the hint sweet pea. Or do I need to tell Selena the next time she calls me"

"When did you talk to her"

"Not that long ago. Why?"

"So she'll call you back but not me"

"Look he's just not into you. Let's motor." And I walk out but still hear Toni and jughead. "You just need to bring his sister into it or your sister. Both of your sister. You understand. Catch you later, jones."

"Did Selena ever call you back" I hear Toni say. I just look at her." Ok I get it" I then see jughead come behind me."

"Is this seat taken?" He ask to Toni. She moves her bag so he can sit down and looks at me. I look at him as he sits down in front of me.

Jughead narrating

"Those kids in the fairy tales who go into the woods, they don't ever come back the same. They're always changed in some fundamental way. Sometimes for the better. More often for the worse. That's the common misconception about fairy tales. They very rarely have a happy ending.

A/N: posting five chapters tonight. your  welcome my wonderful beautiful readers. ily

Serpent Princess ~ Sweet Peas Twin (under rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now