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A/N:  Early update cuz imma be on a writing spree to deestract myself uwu

Goktug and Boran waited a long time for Osman at the place he had told them to meet him after sending Melike off; they were getting concerned, pacing around in their own tracks and kicking leaves around. They had a good mind to leave their post and split up in search of their Bey, but they also wanted to comply with their orders- especially if Osman Bey were to show up, however late he was to be.

Boran sighed after a while, wiping his hand across his face.

"Brother, what if something happened to Osman Bey?" he wondered aloud. "How could he be so late to meet with us? True, I do not know what he was doing whilst Melike and I were after you, but he would have told us if he had gone to fight." Goktug swallowed, holding back a grimace. "I do not know, Boran," he admitted. "Though I am worried too- we have waited quite a while, and it is indeed almost dusk. Where is he?" Boran exhaled heavily; "Ah, Osman Bey, ah," he murmured. "Where are you, Beyyim? Allah, I hope you did not get ambushed-"

Boran's prayer was cut short when all of a sudden, they heard a rustle of leaves caused by movement through the thick shrubs and trees around them; they whirled around, hoping that it was Osman- though to their surprise and slight disappointment, it was not. It was, however, the dervish that Osman had introduced to them a few days back. The two Alps looked at each other as the limping Kumral Abdal walked up to them, grinning his signature manic grin as his walking stick helped him pick up the pace.

"Kumral Abdal?" Boran greeted him, wondering what had brought about the wild dervish's presence. "What are you doing here?" Kumral Abdal chortled at him. "I see that you two are no longer Alps!" he claimed, his words making Boran and Goktug go stunned. "You two are now worried and anxious owls!" Goktug raised an eyebrow. "My Bey has been absent for quite a while now," he said in a low voice. "He has not come yet, Kumral Abdal. Of course we would be worried." "Do you love him so?" asked Kumral Abdal, still with the same comical grin on his face. "Of course!" exclaimed Boran. "More than our own lives!" Kumral Abdal snorted at them, swinging his stick around as if bored. "I should only believe you, had I not seen what I saw," he muttered.

Goktug's deep blue and Boran's bright brown eyes widened, and the two looked at each other, their stomachs sinking oddly. Goktug turned back to Kumral Abdal; "Did you see something wrong in us, Kumral Abdal?" the blond Alp asked, concerned. "Do we have a fault that is so terrible?"

"Why, everyone has faults and flaws!" exclaimed Kumral Abdal, his dramatic tone making both Boran and Goktug step back slightly in apprehension and alarm, despite how much smaller and skinnier the dervish was compared to their tall and well-built frames. "But yours is worse, so much worse! It is ghastly!" Goktug gulped, going very white, whilst Boran's jaw trembled.

"Please, do not put us down when we already feel so low, Kumral Abdal," he pleaded. "Do not kick us when we feel so sad- just tell us, please, how we can be better? Tell us what is wrong so we can improve it? So we can fix ourselves and be the best for our Bey." Kumral Abdal wheezed at him.

"Your tongue and your heart are not on the same page, Boy," he said sternly. "You know what they call those, do you not?" Goktug could almost hear his heart crack as his jaw dropped, and Boran's sharp eyebrows creased in an agitated frown. "Tovbe estagfurullah," they both murmured at the same time. "Brother, he called us fake muslims," hissed Boran, looking and feeling deeply insulted and offended. "Munafik. Why is that so?" Goktug looked down, feeling rather saddened- thoughts ran through Goktug's head, causing his expression to turn downcast, whilst Boran's still looked defensive.

"Tell us," he demanded. "Tell us why you believe we are hypocrites, Kumral Abdal." "Some say they believe, but they do not surrender," said Kumral Abdal in a wise voice. "Do not be like that; if you love someone, you do not doubt them! Do not be anxious for their failure or success! Come to the side of those who have surrendered to fate." Goktug blinked at him. "Er- how do we do that?" he asked. "Please tell us." Kumral Abdal swayed playfully as he looked from Boran to Goktug, and smirked at them; "I know how, but I will not tell you."

Kabul - Acceptance: Sequel to 'Yasak - Forbidden' (A Goktug Alp Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now