And so comes the Trouble...

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"Hey, I always wanted to ask you, why do you have such a scar by the eye. Although it looks slick, people think you are some gangster ", Raghav asked.

"It was an accident and I couldn't properly get it healed"

"And why are you so close with the Ice Princess now?"

"We did the internship together and so got a chance to have a little chat", Ashwin answered.

"Oh, no wonder you are ranked number two. You probably stole Ms Akansha's credit!", an annoyingly loud voice came from behind.

Ashwin turned back and found five students. One seemed from a rich family while the rest were like his lackeys. So typical...

Ash, simply ignored them and turned to walk away with Raghav.

"He is Rudra Kashyap. Although the family is pretty famous, they are not the top ones. And he is ranked 3", Raghav filled him in on the details. He was like a human database with any information you would need to know about schools.

"Do I look like I care?", Ashwin asked lazily.

"Of course you don't ", Raghav had a hearty laugh at his friend's character.

"Hey, don't blatantly ignore me!", Rudra guy yelled.

"And why should I listen to your blabbering may I ask?"

"You dare to get close to Ice Princess. And I am sure, you tricked her into getting you the credits "

Ashwin facepalmed at the guy's wild imagination. But sadly enough, many who were surrounding him, even the crowd looked rather convinced. After all, they never knew Ashwin's talent since the only time he showed his magic was when he was evaluated.

"What does me being friends with her have to do with any of you losers?", Ashwin questioned.

"You don't deserve to call her your friend. She is not for commoners like you!"

"Really now? Tell her then. Good bye~", Ashwin proceeded to walk away. But the guy didn't seem to give up at all as he stopped Ashwin again.

"Stay away from her!"

"Mind your own business ", this guy was seriously getting on Ashwin's nerve.

"Is that so? Boys, let's have target practice ", Rudra grinned as his lackeys surrounded Ashwin and Raghav.

"Kashyap, you dare go against my friend?", Raghav stepped in.

"I know I can't offend you Raghav, because of your family. So stay out of this. You can't interfere since I rank above you"

"And Ashwin ranks above you!"

"He obviously didn't earn it himself!", Rudra didn't back down.


"Don't bother. They are looking for a fight ", Ashwin stopped Raghav.

"I know. Do you need my help?"

"No, it will be even troublesome if we used magic as well. So just tell me what elements they have", Ashwin said.

"... Rudra has fire magic. The two close to him are Earth mages while the two behind us are wind I think", Raghav informed. Although Raghav was worried, this was the first time he could see his friend in action. How can he miss it!

"Got it", Ashwin nodded as he stepped forward. "You know using magic for such bullying is prohibited "

"What do you mean?", the guy grinned cunningly. "We were practicing our spells but you were caught in the misfire. Everyone here saw this"

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