Chapter 14

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Serafina's had to be my new favorite restaurant. James had selected a pasta dish that was too mouth watering. I had started to feel the affects of the wine after my third glass or so. The wine like any alcohol made me feel brave. I began lifting my leg up and rub against James tight as he paid for the dinner.

Looking up from signing the receipt the waiter gave him, he smirked at me and said "Your in the mood already?"

"Maybe I am. Are you going to satisfy my needs baby?" I challenge him.

Laughing a little he replied back, "I would love to but I have a meeting I have to attend."

I dropped my leg at his reply and became disappointed. Again, the alcohol in my system made me feel things inside I never had before.

"When you come home later then?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"Oh?, you want more later?" He said happily

"Yes please baby. I love when you wear your business suites, you look so damn sexy." I said as I licked my lips.

Laughing, James stood up from his chair and walked over to me to help me out of the chair. Walking outside, we went into a parking garage next door. Paying for the parking, we waited as the velvet brought his car up. James made sure I was into the passenger seat of the car safely before getting into the driver seat.

"Where are we going" I asked lazily and turned my body to face him.

"I'm driving you back to the apartment then I have some more meetings to attend to." He said focused on the busy city traffic.

"Oh. What time will you be home?" I questioned

"Whatever time my girlfriend will like me to be home" he said in a playful voice as he looked at me.

"Can you be home by 5pm then?"

"If you want me to then I will baby."

"Yes I would like that very much." I said smiling

Looking out of the window I said, "James can my sister and Sofia come over. I'm really bored in that apartment alone."

"I don't know Chloe I kinda want you locked up in there by your self." He said jokingly

"Please baby!" I said with a sad face on.

"Alright that's fine. Just add their names to the list of approved people with the doorman."

"Thank you baby" I said as I bragged his face and kissed him.

Before we know it the kiss got deeper and the cars behind us started to beep their horns at us. Laughing I pulled back as James drove quickly. We arrived at the apartment building a couple of minutes later. James once again helped me out of the car and into the apartment lobby where we was greeted by the doorman.

"Afternoon Mr. Hearings, I've never seen you here during lunch hour on a weekday" the doorman greeted.

"I know but I had to drop Chloe off first before heading back. Oh Chloe wants to add two people to the list of people permitted to come upstairs." James said.

"Oh who would you like to add Miss Chloe."

"My sister Jennifer and cousin Sofia."

"Certainly Miss Chloe." He said as he pressed the elevator up.

"Can you tell Sonia that Chloe is coming up, I'm late for my meeting." James said. "Chloe babe I have to run, I'll see you when I get home later." he said as he kissed my lips.

Stepping into the elevator, I pressed PH and waited as it took me up. I was greeted by Sonia once again as the elevator doors open.

"Hello dear, how are you?" Sonia said while smiling.

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