Chapter 36

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Excuse any errors! 😘
Few days later

I was sitting in Dr Roger's office with him looking at me as both he and James waited for me to answer the question he had just asked.

"Chloe? Did you hear what I said to you?"

Forcing a weak smile I said, "I'm sorry I was thinking about school stuff. What did you say?"

"James said that you have been distant lately and has been avoiding him. Is that true ?"

"Well I'm not distant, I'm just busy with school. I am in graduate school. Not much I can do about that." I said lying through my teeth

"Hmm.." Dr. Rogers said as he wrote something down

"With all due respect Dr. Rogers, I would like to end the session if Chloe is going to continue to do this. I have been trying to change for her and she does not see it then I am at a lost of words." James said before standing and walking out of our session

I looked down at my hands and played with it, just waiting for Dr. Rogers to say something to me.

"Chloe, now that James is gone do you want to talk about what is bothering you?"

"How do you know something is bothering me?"

"I can tell. It's just us now, you can tell me what it is and we can work through it together" he said in a concerned voice

"I'm just scared"

"Scared of what?" He asked

"Do you think having an abortion is a bad thing?"

Dr. Rogers tilted his head, "Not necessary. Women make that decision for themselves on whether or not they can go through having with a child. It's a lot of responsibility to bring another human being into the world"

"Okay" I said hearing what he was saying to me

"Are you pregnant?"

"What?" I said in a bit of shock

"Are you currently pregnant? Is that why you asked the question about abortion just now?"

"No. No, I don't think so?" I said which came out as a question

"Have you taken a pregnancy test?"

"No, I'm not pregnant"

"So why did you ask that question?" Dr. Rogers said

"My cousin Sofia is pregnant"

"Your bestfriend right?"

Smiling I said, "Yes"

"Congratulations to her"

Smiling a bit more I said, "Thank you I will tell her"

"But what does her being pregnant have to do with you asking about abortion? Did she mention to you she wanted to do that and you are scared?"

"No, she did not tell me she wanted to do that" I said being vague

"I'm not understanding what you are trying to say here Chloe. Want to start from the beginning of the story?"

"Well Sofia is pregnant by James' brother Mark. Last week James called me asking to come to his parents house because Sofia was pregnant. Mark had announced it to his parents and James but said Sofia wanted an abortion. Sofia did not know he was going to do that. James calls me over and suggest that I tell Sofia to get the abortion because Mark is young and in charge of the security part of his company. I refused to say that to Sofia and I just can't understand why James would even mention that to me!" I said getting angry after my speech.

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