Chapter 18

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We arrived at the charity event about 9:30pm. Photographers were lined up on the red carpet. Seeing them immediately gave me anxiety. I grabbed James hand as he looked at me with a frown on his face.

"I'm nervous" I said whispering

"Don't be. I'm here baby" he said smoothly and guided me to the carpet.

The lights started to flash which caught me off guard. I adjusted quickly when James looked down on me and smiled his million dollar smile. He held me close as he pulled me in with his hand on my waist. I returned the smile as I looked into his eyes. He turned his head towards the cameras and smiled which caused me to do the same. The reports started asking who was I or if I was the special lady in James life. Smiling even bigger James said "Yeah this is my girlfriend". His response caused a frenzy of questions to start. James shook his head and nod his head towards the doorway.

Following his head I walked carefully towards the doors as his hand rested on my lower back. I walked through the doors into a elegant ballroom there the theme was black and white. Tables had black clots with white roses on top. The DJ was playing current hit songs and the room full of people were socializing.

Amber walked up to us with a smile on her face. "I'm glad you guys could make it" she said as she pulled me into a hug. She pulled James into a hug as he made up his face in annoyance. Laughing, she hit him as she pulled away from him.

Amber turned around as her name was called by a tall handsome guy. With his black hair slicked back, he stood about 6 feet tall. He was definitely a well put together guy by the look of his tailored suit and well shine shoes.

"Oh this is Theo. Theo this is my brother James and his girlfriend Chloe." She said with a bubbly smile.

"Nice to meet you." Theo said as he raised his hand to shake James. James looked at his hand as if it was the dirtiest thing in the world. I eyed him as I hit his hand which caused him to shake the poor guys hand.

"Who are you to my sister?" James asked

Before Theo could answer, Amber said "He's my friend James. Relax!"

"He better stay that way too. I don't want to have a talk with him or you about the definition of friendship." He said with a serious tone and Amber rolled her eyes.

I hate tensed moments so I spoke up before anything else could be said. "Well it was nice meeting you Theo. Amber we will see you around. Come James lets go say hello to your mother". I took his hand and waved as I walked through the crowd.

I walked through the well crowded event until I spotted James's mother with a older gentleman who was the splitting image of James and a elderly couple.

Smiling as we approached the group his mother said, " I'm so glad you two can make it. I was starting to get worried."

"I'm sorry we're late I was at my family's house out east and it was major traffic coming into the city" I said as I embrace her for a hug.

"Oh that's okay dear. This is my husband, James Sr. Honey this is your son's first girlfriend, Chloe" James's mother said grinning at her husband.

"Mom" James said clearly either annoyed or embarrassed

"Well nice to meet you. My son didn't tell me how beautiful you were when he told me about you" Mr. Hearings said as he left my hand to place a kiss on it.

I turned my head to smile at James. He had spent some time talking about me to his family members which meant a lot to me. "Thank you Mr. Hearings. It was a pleasure to meet you too."

"Son let's talk business. I have some investors wanting to meet you regarding some innovative technology I think you would be interested in." His dad said to him

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