Chapter 34

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"So you're just gonna continue to ignore your boyfriend because some girl said something about him?" Sofia said as she laid on my bed

"I'm not ignoring him" I said lowly

"Oh so what are you doing?" She said looking at me "honestly Chloe you have to get over this and talk to James"

I had been avoiding James for at least 3 days now. I had the words that his stupid ex-girlfriend told me in the Jue LAN Club bathroom in the back of my mind. I also was thrown off that she was dating Jeff, a enemy of James.

I was confused.

"I just need space for a bit. Besides this is what Dr. Rogers said I should do at times. So we can have better relationship"

"Your therapist told you not to talk to your boyfriend and avoid him because your legit second guessing your relationship with him cause his ex-girl made some comments you don't like?" She said looking at me as if I had two heads

"Yeah?...." I said unsure

"Pleaseeeee! Chloe! He would not tell you that. This is why you guys are in therapy now, to talk about what's bothering you and communicate things out"

"I know Sofia but I'm not sure what to believe about James. It's like I think I know him but then I really don't. We were going good then something or someone just comes and messes it all up."

"Your making up way too many excuses. It's totally annoying. Honestly I'm just trying to convince you to talk to him. He called me last night worried, never mind how he got my number which by the way he has too much money and time to be hunting me down to reach you" she said as she looked through a Vogue magazine

"He called you?" I said surprise

"Yeah he actually sound pretty bad and I felt sorry for him. But then I realized you didn't talk to him when I asked him if he spoke to you yesterday. I thought I told you to talk to him and you said you did?"

"I lied"

"Oh my god Chloe, seriously?"

"Yes I don't know how to bring this up"

"Be an adult?" She said shaking her head. I could tell Sofia was getting upset and she never gets upset.

"It's jus—" before I could continue my phone started ringing. It was James calling again for the 3rd time today. I decline the call as Sofia rolled her eyes.

Then I got a call from Dr Rogers office.

"Hello" I said into the phone

"Hi, Chloe it's Dr. Rogers. How are you?"

"I'm pretty good, thanks for asking. And you?"

"I'm doing okay today. Who's not doing okay is James. I got a visit from him today, he's actually in my office now, saying you are not speaking to him" Dr. Rogers said clearly into the phone with his soft spoken voice

"He did?" I said

"Yes, now I know I said go a few days without speaking but not cut all type of communication"

"I know Dr Rogers, it's just ..I can't explain it"

"Well James is sitting in my office. He said you live in Long Island so coming into the office would take up too much time. Can you participate over the phone on speaker? Normally I don't do this but James has stressed he needs to address this issue between you two as it has him worried"

"Okay I'm willing to do this over the phone"

"Okay. So is there a reason why you have been avoiding James. He told me about the dinner you had but did something happen?"

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