Chapter 20

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I walked into James apartment to get some things before I head back to my house. James was becoming to much for me at this point and I really just wanted a break from him.

I went into his bedroom to see Sonya fixing clothes in the walk-in closet.

"Hey Sonya"

"Hello Chloe, how are you?" She asked as she fixed James work shirts

"I'm pretty good. Just getting some stuff to head home." I said as I got my bag ready to leave

"Your not staying for dinner? Mr. Hearings asked me to cook for two tonight."

"No I'm going home. Don't tell him you saw me Sonya. You were doing laundry and didn't see me."

She looked at me confused for a minute before saying, "okay dear I won't say anything to him"

"Thank you." I said smiling at her

After packing my small weekend bag up with things, I requested a Uber to my house. The ride cost me nearly $150 but James had given me his card to use and it seems appropriate to use. I got a notification that the Uber was 2 minutes away and I started to head to the elevator.

"Later Sonya" I said waving to her

"I'll see you dear" she said to me

I quickly walked to the elevator and got in. I reached the lobby in no time before walking to the doors. The doorman Keith opened the door for me to get outside in the hot sun. I quickly walked to the Uber driver greeting him.

"Hello, Chloe right?" The guy said as I opened the door

"Yes hi" I said to him

The drive to my house took almost an hour with the traffic on the southern state parkway. Pulling up to my house, I thanked the driver and got out the car.

Opening the front door, I saw my brother Chris in the living room playing on his Xbox.

"Hey Chris" I said to him as I walked pass

"Hey Chloe, what are you doing home?"

"I live here, what do you mean?" I said annoyed at him as I stopped before the stairs

"I just haven't seen you that's all. Relax girl!"

I shook my head at him and quietly said okay before heading up to my room. Once in my room, I looked around my room as if it was a foreign place as I hadn't been there in weeks. I began cleaning up my room a bit before I took my clothes off. I slipped on a big t-shirt and put on some short shorts.

I laid down in my bed for a few minutes before I felt my eyes were getting sleepy.

I awake to someone touching my face. Opening my eyes I saw it was James.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him

"Why are you here?" He asked back

"I live here! What are you doing here in my room?"

"Chloe let me make something clear to you. You need to grow up. Stop running when we have arguments over something dumb as why my ex-girlfriend lives in the same building as me"

"You can not tell me how to feel. Especially when you are an asshole about it!" I said angrily to him

"Your giving me an headache and you don't want to see that side of me. Can you please get your self together and let's go" he said not listening to anything I said


He turned and smiled at me with anger in his eyes. He walked back over to the bed and got down to my level to face me.

HIMOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora