Chapter 38

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I woke up earlier than expected to get started on my day. I had class at 9am and I really needed to prep for my Social Policy class.

After quickly showering, I went into the bedroom I shared with James to find him up typing away on his cellphone with a deep frown his face.

"Everything okay babe" I asked as I looked through the draw for an underwear

"Yes, just an emergency in the office. It appears there was property damage at my headquarters."

"Really? Who would do that?" I asked concerned as I looked up

"I have no clue but I'm going to find out now." He said as he got up and headed to the shower

I looked in the closet to find something to wear. I settled for a simple Zimmerman orchid-print shorts outfit with white and gold Versace leather ankle sandals. For bag, I wore Saint Laurent tote in white. I transferred my books and items from my Prada bag from the day before then walked out the room.

Walking into the kitchen I saw Sonya preparing breakfast for James and I.

"Good Morning Sonya" I said with a smile

"Morning Chloe, how are you?"

"Good, can't complain"

Before she could answer, the intercom rang signaling someone was downstairs.

Looking down at my Cartier watch, it was barely 8:15am so I could only wonder who was at the apartment

A moment later, James assistant walked in with a folder in her hand. I arched my eyebrows at her because I clearly missed her making home visits.

We stared at each other for a minute before James walked out fixing his cufflink.

"Babe, did you see my black Christian Loub—" he started before I stop him and pointed at Brittany.

"You have a guest." I said before turning back to the breakfast Sonya placed in front of me.

"Brittany what are you doing here? I was coming in to the office in a minute"

"I'm truly sorry Mr. Hearings. But the authorities are at the office asking questions. I need you to look at something before they speak with you" Brittany said.

"And you couldn't call me?" He asked her

"I didn't know you had guest over .. I wouldn't have come over"

"Guest?" I said turning back to her before really looking her over. She wore a tight black dress more fitting for the club and not the workplace with Jimmy Choo heels on. Her hair was pulled into a high pony tail which showed her cheekbones and same petite size nose.

"Ahh why don't we step into my office. I'll meet you there. Three door on the right." James said dismissing her

"James she seriously has one more chance to say anything to me" I said as I eyed her "what is her problem anyways"

"I'm not sure but I will talk with her"

"Yeah you do that. Excuse me, I'm going to leave before I say or do anything I will regret later. Sonya can you pack my breakfast for me to go. You can just put the oatmeal in a cup."

"Sure" Sonya said as she too looked in the direction Brittany walked off in and back to me.

James pulled his hands down his face as I bumped pass him, taking my car keys and bag with me.


I watched as Chloe angrily took up her bag and walked to the door. Sonya quickly put her oatmeal in a cup along with a banana. I stood there feeling myself getting upset. The door soon closed singling she had left. I looked up to see Sonya give me a face of disappointment.

"I didn't tell her to come here" I said defending myself

"You also did not tell her to leave either Mr Hearings." She said as she cleaned the kitchen

"Your right. Do you think you can send Chloe some flowering's and chocolates to class for me? Have it rushed to her. Her first class is over at 10:50am."

Smiling sweetly she said, "Sure James nothing says I'm sorry like flowers and candy."

I smiled back at her because I realized she called me James for the first time. And I didn't correct her. Chloe and Dr. Rogers was definitely rubbing off on me.

Heading into my office I saw Brittany seeing down.

"Why would you think it is okay to come to my home?" I asked her

"You needed to be prep before speaking to the police. Important documents needed to be reviewed. If you say or do the wrong thing, they will want to investigate further." She said

"You could've really call me for all of this. Don't you think?"

"No I could not if it's important."

"I explained what we had was over right?"

"And I accepted that. I've moved on James. You have too, right?" She questioned with a smirk on her face.

"You're trying to be funny. You need to be told clear boundaries or something like I don't get it"

"James —" she started to say

"Mr. Hearings sounds better coming from my assistant, no?"

"Mr. Hearings, I'm well aware of the boundaries and moving forward I will respect them" She said as a smile did not reach her eyes.

I was now regretting the fling I had with Brittany when she started as my assistant. I just did not what I was really getting myself into when I made the decision to have a sexual relationship with her.

"The fire that occurred in the building today, destroyed some important financial documents related to your deal with the company in China you were trying to close on. Now if the police want to go further they can question the timing of the fire and the motive behind it. So please review the notes I have put together for you. I'll meet you at the office with your morning cup of coffee, Mr. Hearings"

"Thank you" I said clearly taken aback

"Your welcome." She said as she looked at me again, this time smirking.

Picking up the file, when I opened it I found a medical document with Brittany's name on it confirming a pregnancy. My head immediately started to spin as my anger also rose.

How was I going to explain this to Chloe?


James has some explaining to do! Thoughts?

I know I'm bad with the updates, trying to work on that! I had this chapter for while, it short but I wanted to give you guys something even if it's a short chapter!

Always love you all for the comments & votes
- SC Rose 🌹

HIMOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora