Chapter 22

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Surprise, another update 😁. Enjoy!!


1 week later
Friday night

It had been a week since my argument with James and trying to find out what his diagnosis is. He continue to refuse to tell me what he was diagnosis with no matter how hard I tried to push him for answers. He also did not let me leave his apartment much unless it was for lunch or dinner, with him of course. Since I had not been at work in weeks I was terminated from my job at the mall. That hurt only because I felt it was what James wanted as a way to control me.

Things between us were tense. He hated that he could not fully control me and often said I was not like his exes. I was not sure what that meant as once again he did not want to go into details. I knew I had to find out what was really going on with him and figured I try to ask Sonya.

Although it was a Friday night, James called to tell me he was working late and had to be in Boston for a business trip that was unexpected. I took his word for it as he always come home around 6 or 7pm the latest.

It was almost 5pm when I walked into the kitchen to see Sonya fixing dinner.

"Hey Sonya"

"Hello dear Chloe"

"What are you making" I asked as I looked over the island counter and into the pots on the stove

"Oh just some Salmon topped with shrimp with brown rice and string beans." She answered smiling back at me.  

"That sounds delicious Sonya"

"I hope it taste that way too dear" she said as we laughed

"So Sonya can I ask you a personal question?"

"I'm not sure. It depends?" She said looking at me with her eyebrows raised.

"It's about James"

"Oh what about him"

"Well I want to know if you had any information on his mental health issue"


"Oh?" I said back to her

"I have been apart of the Hearings family for some time. I'm not sure if I should be sharing personal information like that with you. I understand that your his girlfriend but I also have a job"

"Yes but I'm just worried about him. He's so controlling and he gets angry easily. Please Sonya just tell me what it is." I begged her not caring if I look desperate

"Hmm. Okay if I tell you this information it stays within this room"

"Okay" I smiled brightly knowing I would most definitely telling Sofia after

"The hearings family has a history of mental health illness. Mr. Hearings did not show signs of his diagnosis until just before his teen years. He is diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder and Depression. I think the controlling part just comes from his own personality and maybe past relationship"

"What happened in his past relationship?"

"All I will say is there was a murder but Mr Hearings was not charged of any crime. I think your a beautiful girl. You should just be careful" she said before turning back to her pot

"Thank you for that Sonya" I walked away without waiting for her response.

I walked into the master bedroom and immediately called Sofia.

"Hey girl" she said happily to me

"Omg Sofia guess what I found out!"


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