Chapter 39

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My head had been spinning for the last 5 minutes and I did not know what to do for the first time in my life. I couldn't have regretting anything more now than losing Blake. This felt like I was going to lose Chloe if she found out I had a baby on the way with my assistant much less sexual relationship with her at all.

Picking up my cellphone, I called my Father

"Son, good morning" he said answering after the first ring "You never call this early? Is it because of the fire? Marcus told me about it, I can get it handled by the end of the week"

"Dad," was all I could manage to say

"James? What's wrong? You sound different"

"Dad I messed up"

"Messed up? What are you talking about?"

"I got her pregnant." I said confused that this was actually happening

"Who? Chloe? Now son are you tryna be in competition with your brother? You don't have to be. Your mother thinks it's too early for her to be a grandmother" My dad rambled on as I was lost in my thoughts.

"No, my assistant"

"Jesus James, your assistant?! What were you thinking?"

"I don't know. Dad, Chloe will kill me if she finds out. I need your help."

"What do you want me to do? Hurt the girl? Son, I promise your mother I would really be a changed man"

"Please Dad, I need your help! Chloe will leave me" I said starting to feel like I was begging

Sighing my dad said, "Look I will see what I can do and call you later. Stop stressing. Chloe will not leave you. At least that's what your mother and sister say. I will handle it."

When the words 'I will handle it' left my fathers mouth, I knew I could trust him. It was the way he said it just reassured me that everything would be okay.

"Thanks Dad"

"No problem son." He said before disconnecting the call

Turning around I noticed Sonya looking at me.

"Please don't tell Chloe about this."

"Mr. Hearrings, my loyalty is forever with you. But you do need to fire that assistant."

"You think so?"

"Yes, she only wants your money. Plus, I'd much rather care for your kids you have with Chloe" She said with a smile on her face

"Yeah Sonya, me too. Thanks for reminding me" I said smiling at her. "Call me James from now on"

The look on her face was of a person who was not expecting me to say something like that.

"Okay no problem"

Handing her back the phone, I walked over to the kitchen island to take a sip of my morning coffee and bite into my toast.

"See you Sonya! Please don't forget the flowers for Chloe for me" I said as I rushed out the apartment

"Yes sir, see you later James!" She replied as I entered the elevator

Class was such boring thing to engage in especially when you are mad with your boyfriend. My mind was everywhere but this class and I hated it. My professor loved for the chairs to be in a circle so we can all face each other as we had discussion but looking at others was the last thing I wanted to do.

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