Chapter Two

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Frostedpaw's POV.

I woke up the next morning, it was still very early in the morning, and the sun wasn't up yet. Sighing I got up out of my nest and stretched knowing I wouldn't be able to sleep again. I wonder how Stonefall is doing with his vigil. I shook my head. Why am I even thinking about him?

My nest was in the front of the den on the opposite side of Juniperpaw. I climbed out of the den and shook my pelt. It sure is cold out today, I thought to myself. It's not even leaf-bare yet!

I knew I wasn't allowed out of camp yet but no cat was up, so no one had to know. I exited camp carefully so Stonefall wouldn't see me. He was grooming himself.

I quickly ran past him and out onto the moors. The sun was just peaking up over the horizon, it was quite beautiful.

Then I tripped on something and fell flat on my face. "Ow.." I mumbled. "Hey watch it!" it was a voice, very scratchy that tried to mew that..?

I got up and looked over and almost jumped out of my fur. Dog! My instinct was telling me to run but it looked hurt. I looked at it in dismay.

"Are you okay?" I asked it. It shook its head. "Expecting...pups..." it seemed the dog looked out of breath and its belly was enlarged.

"O-Okay. Stay here, I'll fetch help." I told it.

"Okay. I'm Winnie." Winnie told me. I quickly introduced myself and bolted away.

Oh, StarClan. I have to fetch Streampaw, Meadowheart would just kick the poor animal off our territory.

I burst back into camp, not caring if Stonefall would see me. I ran to the medicine cat's den and up to Streampaw's nest.

I shook her awake and she got up confused. "Frostedpaw.. why so early?" she grumbled. "I need you!" I whispered. Streampaw, to my luck, didn't question me anymore. She just nodded and got up.

I led her out of camp and we walked to the dog. "So when you get there, you'll see something surprising but you have to help it." I tried to explain to Streampaw.

Streampaw nodded and we approached the dog. "Frostedpaw!" Streampaw whipped her head around at me when she spotted the dog. "It'll kill us!" Streampaw exclaimed. I shook my head. "Look at the stage of her!" I retorted.

"" Winnie whined weakly.

"She knows cat?" Streampaw looked shocked.

"Help her, mouse-brain!" I snapped at her. Streampaw nodded and warily ran an exam over her.

"Ow!" Winnie winced, Streampaw jumped back in alarm.

I watched as Streampaw continued her exam. "She's expecting kits- I mean pups." Streampaw looked me dead in the eyes.

"How many moons?" Streampaw asked. Winnie looked down. "T-Two moons, I think." Winnie looked very nervous.

"What's your name?"


"Okay, Winnie I am going to help you. By the looks of it, you are going to give birth. Do you feel an urge for your kits to come?" Streampaw asked her.

I looked shocked at Streampaw. She knew so much. Winnie nodded, obviously in serious amounts of pain. Streampaw then looked at me.

"Guard her. I'll be right back." Streampaw bolted off back in the direction of camp.

I looked down at Winnie. She was a sleek, fluffy white dog with black markings. "You're very pretty," I commented.

Winnie looked up at me and tried to smile. "Thanks.. the twolegs call me a 'Sheltie' that's what my breed is.." Winnie faded off and a cry escaped from her mouth.

In a panic, without thinking I lay close to her, stroking my tail along her spine to comfort her. All the stories about how terrible dogs were completely vanished from my mind as I comforted this poor dog.

Winnie let out another cry. I shushed her. "You're going to be okay.. Streampaw will be back soon and she will help you deliver your pups." my gaze widened as Winnie's face soon turned to look at the sunrise. "Winnie! Look!" I gasped.

The sky was red and orange and purple as the sun came up. Winnie looked at the colors and gasped. "It's..It's so beautiful.." her speech was interrupted by another cry, one worse than before.

"I think my pups are coming! Oh, Frostedpaw!" Winnie cried, and she started squirming.

I started to panic. What do I do?! I don't know how to deliver pups! Hurry up, Streampaw! I then urged myself to calm down. Panicking won't help me now.

I quickly gathered a few scraps of moss and put them by her tail where the pups were to come out. As I was doing this I noticed I could see the head of a pup. Oh no!

I've heard stories that you have to push to give birth, so I told Winnie to push. I lay at her back end and stroked my tail along her flank. Winnie let out a cry and a small, black pup came out.

Instinctively I began licking it to stimulate the pup. It let out a whine and I nosed it to Winnie's belly to suckle.

Streampaw's scent filled my nose as the second pup came along, and I licked it. "Finally!" I exclaimed. I nosed the pup to its mother's belly.

Streampaw looked shocked. "Well done." she praised.

Streampaw then turned to Winnie and nosed some herbs toward her. "Eat these, they'll help your milk come."

Winnie nodded and ate the herbs. Streampaw walked over to Winnie's flank and pressed her paws gently over her belly.

"Just two more, Winnie," Streampaw said.

I caught a light scent in the breeze. I then decided to investigate. I lay down and focused until I went into my ghost form.

I had only been in my ghost form once before, so it was hard to navigate. Once I got the hang of moving, I followed the scent to where it was. Dawn patrol. Mouse-dung!

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