Chapter Fourteen

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Fallensky's POV.

All five Clans were finally here and we all mingled among each other, sharing news and gossip.

I was talking with Riverdawn of RiverClan and Toadstep of ShadowClan when a yowl sounded from the Great Rock.

"Happy StarClan's Coming!" Fallowstar exclaimed.

"You may all take a piece of prey from the piles over there." Fawnstar angled her ears toward the five prey piles.

"The elders will eat first, then the medicine cats, then the warriors, the apprentices, then us." Lakestar announced loudly.

"Once you've taken your prey, sit on the opposite side of Fourtrees and when everyone finishes, we will pray to StarClan." It was Riverstar who finished.

Mallowheart, Stoneskip, Icestorm, Flutterpelt, Quailheart and Tigerfrost all stepped up to pick their prey.

Once they chose, they walked over to the opposite side of camp and waited to eat.

Seagulltail, Pumpkinseed, Meadowheart, Streampaw, Dawnwing and Oceanbreeze all padded up and picked their prey.

Then the warriors went and then the apprentices. Lastly, the leaders all descended from the Great Rock and picked the last of the prey from the piles.

Everyone then started eating. I had chosen a fish from the RiverClan pile.

"Like it?" A voice behind me startled me. I turned, it was a pretty gray-black RiverClan she-cat. "I saw you pick it up hesitantly,"

"Oh, it's uh, great thanks," I replied to her. "I'm Fallensky."

"Name's Shallowpool." Shallowpool said as she bit into the mouse she had. "Eh. I prefer fish."

"And I don't really like this." I commented awkwardly.

Shallowpool snorted. "Then why'd you pick it?"

"I wanted to see what you RiverClan cats boast about," I laughed. "I don't actually mind it."

Shallowpool nodded and finished her prey. I looked past her and noticed that the leaders finished their prey and rose up.

They hopped up onto the Great Rock and called everyone together in a big circle. I layed next to Shallowpool and Lakestar.

"And we shall pray now." Fallowstar announced, dipping her head. The rest of the four Clans followed.

Thank you StarClan for the creation of my Clan
Thank you StarClan for plentiful prey
Thank you StarClan for my family
Thank you StarClan for this day

I prayed silently. I thought of all the wonderful things StarClan has gifted me throughout my life.

I am thankful for Rosepaw.

Rosepaw always cheered me up when I was down and always made me feel special. She is truely a wonderful cat and an amazing friend.

"Alright. Everyone may now rise." Fallowstar announced quietly. I opened my eyes and yawned.

"Tired?" Shallowpool chuckled beside me. "Yeah, I suppose. I'm not really used to staying up this late, the moon is almost setting." I responded.

"Ah, well the meeting will be over soon I think." Shallowpool said. "So, what did you bring as a gift?"

Great StarClan, I knew I forgot something! "Mousedung!" I exclaimed. "I forgot a gift!"

The five Clans all rose from their spots and started to exchange gifts. "Oh well. Here, take this." Shallowpool handed me a shimmering white shell.

"Oh wow it's beautiful, Shallowpool! Thank you!" I exclaimed. I ran my paw over the rigid surface of the shell.

"You're welcome." Shallowpool responded. She laughed nervously.

"Hey.. follow me, I want to take you somewhere." I said.

"Alright," Shallowpool chuckled. "Where are we going?"

"I'll show you." I led her out of Fourtrees and through WindClan back to StormClan territory.

"Wow, I've never been here before other than to the Moonstone!" Shallowpool exclaimed, looking around eagerly.

"I want to show you a place we call Bigrocks," I told her. Shallowpool's eyes widened a bit.

"Come, its this way!" I raced off along the ShadowClan border toward Bigrocks.

Then the massive boulders came into view. I climbed to the very top of the highest boulder and waited for Shallowpool to catch up.

"Fallensky! Wait for me!" Shallowpool screeched. She hauled herself up the big boulders and sat next to me on the largest.

"Look, you can see ShadowClan and WindClan from here!" Shallowpool exclaimed, laughing.

"Yeah, I love Bigrocks. You see the soft sand below? StormClan apprentices train there." I explained.

"Where's your shell?" Shallowpool looked to me, worry filling her gaze. "Don't worry, it's at the bottom of the boulder." I responded, putting my tail on her back.

Shallowpool grinned and turned to me. I turned my head to look her in her deep blue eyes. We were so close that our noses were almost touching.

After what felt like moons, Shallowpool spoke. "Th-This was lovely, Fallensky, but we should head back to Fourtrees."

I nodded. "Let's go." We climbed down off the boulders and padded back to Fourtrees.


Dawn came and I was awoken by what sounded like Cinnamonkit's excited mew. "Look! Jingleberry gave me a bundle of berries!"

I rolled over in my nest and felt something under the moss. The shell! Wait.. no.. that's on the other side of my nest, what is it?

I scraped away my moss and found a stone that was completely silver. It shimmered in the dawn light.

It must be from Jingleberry! I thought excitedly. I smiled to myself. I'll keep this forever.

I got up and shook scraps of moss from my pelt and climbed over the few cats who were still asleep.

I reached the clearing and was instantly beckoned over by Sweetwish with her tail.

I padded up to her and dipped my head. "Good morning." I said. Sweetwish dipped her head back. "Morning. I need you to lead the hunting patrol, the dawn patrol just left. Take Moonwish and Stonefall with you."

I nodded and headed back to the warriors den to wake the two warriors.

I stepped in and shook Moonwish awake first. "Moonwish," she stirred, then opened her eyes.

"Yes?" She lifted her head.

"I was ordered to go on a hunting patrol. You and Stonefall must come." I replied. Moonwish yawned, nodded and started grooming herself.

I walked past Moonwish and gently shook Stonefall. "What?" He said with his eyes still closed.

"Hunting patrol." I said. Stonefall sighed and got up. "I'll meet you both by the entrance."

I padded out of the den and walked over to the entrance and decided to groom myself lightly before seeing Moonwish and Stonefall heading toward me.

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