Chapter Five

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Frostedpaw's POV.

"Your pups are so cute!" I exclaimed to Winnie. Winnie just grunted a sad-sounding grunt.

"What's wrong?" I asked. Winnie sighed. "I wish Batstar would let me stay."

I nodded in understanding. "I'll talk to her for you."

I turned to exit the den when I felt something bite my tail. "Ah!" I exclaimed and turned again.

"Aw, he likes you!" exclaimed Winnie.

I laughed. "Maybe a little too much!"

Winnie laughed. I exited the den and trotted over to Batstar's den. "Batstar?" I called.

"Come in," she replied. I stepped into her den and settled myself down.

"Yes, Frostedpaw?" Batstar asked.

I cleared my throat. "So, I've been speaking with Winnie and she really wishes to stay.." I trailed off.

Batstar looked thoughtful for a moment. "I understand, I've also been thinking about it."

There was a silence for a few heartbeats, then Batstar spoke again. "She will stay. Since you are closer to her, once you've become a warrior and Winnie's pups are apprenticed, you will mentor Winnie."

I gasped in surprise. "Really?"

Batstar nodded. "I will announce it now."

I burst out of the den and rushed over to Winnie's den. "Batstar says you can stay!" I screeched to Winnie.

Winnie's face lit up. "That's awesome!"

"I know! Batstar's going to announce it-" I was cut of by Batstar's call. "Now," I finished.

Winnie and I left the den and went to sit amongst the crowd of cats forming. "I've gathered all of you here because I have made my decision about Winnie."

The Clan didn't dare speak a single word during the announcement. "She will stay and her pups will become apprentices, then she will be apprenticed too." Batstar finished.

StormClan was outraged. Cries of anger and fear rose out. Batstar silence them all with a huge yowl.

Then, I heard a noise coming from the entrance of the camp. "Its Fallenpaw! He's been hit on the Thunderpath!"

I froze with shock. The whole clan turned to stare at Fallenpaw. He had clumps of his fur missing and his tail was hanging sadly by his side.

I rushed over to him. "Is he alive?!" I exclaimed. A crowd formed around him.

"Out of my way!" it was Meadowheart and Streampaw, they were pushing their way through the crowd.
Meadowheart settled next to Fallenpaw and checked if he were alive.

Everyone was completely silent, except for some sobs coming from Batstar and Fallenpaw's siblings.

"He's alive, but barely, he need to get to my den, now." Meadowheart announced at last. Sighs of relief exploded around.

Meadowheart and Streampaw carried Fallenpaw to the medicine cat's den. The whole Clan looked shaky as ever.

Batstar hopped onto the Greatledge again and dismissed the Clan back to their duties.

I looked to the ground. I wanted to see Fallenpaw but I knew the medicine cats were too busy.

I decided to run to Batstar, she was entering the cave with Skywing. Once I got to Batstar and Skywing, I buried my head in their fur.

"Is he going to be alright..?" I questioned, even though I knew nor Batstar or Skywing had the answer to that.

"I'm not s-sure." Batstar said in a shaky voice.

"I'm sure he'll be fine, Frostedpaw," Skywing reassured, but I still caught a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

I decided to leave this den and go to Winnie. I arrived in her den and I rushed to her.

"Its unbelieveable, you heard, right..?" I started. Winnie slowly nodded. "I've heard."

I was now sobbing at this point and Winnie was trying to calm me down.
"It will be alright! Frostedpaw, I promise."

I nodded and layed next to Winnie for a while. I soon drifted off into a deep sleep.

I awoke with a raindrop falling on my head. I got up and looked outside. It was pouring rain.

I sprinted to the medicine cats den to see if anyone was up. I stepped inside and saw Streampaw standing beside Fallenpaw's stiff body.

I rushed over there. "Is he alright?!" I exclaimed rather loudly.

"Hush! Meadowheart was up late last night, shes had barely any sleep!" Streampaw exclaimed.

"Sorry!" I apologized more quietly. Streampaw touched my flank with her nose. "He will be fine, his tail is completely shattered but we are trying hard to mend it."

I nodded. I touched my nose briefly to Fallenpaw's ear and whispered 'I love you'

"I have a feeling he heard you." Streampaw commented.

I nodded. I decided to go back to Winnie. I exited the den.

"Hey, Winnie." I said sadly. She looked sad too.

"Hi." she replied. I looked at her, she looked at me.

"Do you have names for your pups?" I asked her. Winnie nodded.

"The brown tom is called Drippup, the black she-pup is called Nightpup and the white tom is Larkpup." Winnie responded.

"That's a good name system since they aren't kits," I commented, then Batstar stepped in.

"Hello, Winnie." she said in a somber voice. "Hi, Batstar" Winnie responded nervously.

"Do your pups have names?" asked Batstar. Winnie slowly nodded. "Drippup, Nightpup and Larkpup." Winnie responded.

Batstar nodded. "I will make sure they make good warriors. I promise." Batstar dipped her head respectfully.

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